油气藏评价与开发 >
2020 , Vol. 10 >Issue 2: 94 - 100
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2020.02.016
收稿日期: 2019-10-09
网络出版日期: 2020-04-28
Study on benefit extraction technology of super deep super heavy fractured-vuggy reservoir in Tahe Oilfield
Received date: 2019-10-09
Online published: 2020-04-28
塔河油田超稠油地质储量高,埋藏深,在地层中具有流动性,举升中随着温度降低,黏度增大,流动能力减弱,无法采出,主要采取掺稀油降黏开采。低油价以来,受掺入稀油和采出稠油销售价差影响,且稀油重复做功产生能耗,导致效益降低。为提高超稠油油藏开采效益,从地层、井筒、地面三个节点开展工艺探索、技术攻关及先导试验工作。以矿物绝缘电缆加热、纳米保温油管为主的保温开采取得明显效果,累计节约稀油9. 86×10 4 t,可在超稠油油藏进行推广。耐温抗盐水溶性降黏剂获得突破,抗硫螺杆泵举升工艺取得进展,均为超稠油油藏效益开采提供充分条件。地面高效集输实施技术原理简单,但涉及管网改造、设备升级,成本高,实施繁,现试验设备准备中。地层降黏技术难度大,目前处于技术论证阶段。通过超稠油低成本开采技术的发展完善及集成应用,提高开发效益,并综合考虑,针对具体井况找出瓶颈,在技术体系中筛选配套工艺技术,以达到超稠油效益开采的目的,提升油田应对低油价的能力。
睢芬 . 塔河油田缝洞型超深超稠油藏效益开采技术研究[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2020 , 10(2) : 94 -100 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2020.02.016
The super heavy oil of Tahe Oilfield has high geological reserves, deep burial, and fluidity in the reservoir. During lifting, as the temperature decreases, the viscosity increases and the flow capacity decreases, leading to the impossible production. Therefore, recovery mainly adopts dilute oil to reduce adhesion. With the continuous drop in oil prices, the influence by the sales price difference between the added dilute oil and the produced heavy oil, and the energy consumption caused by the repeated work of dilute oil, lead to the decrease of the benefit. In order to improve the production efficiency of super heavy oil reservoir, the technology exploration, technical tackling and pilot test are carried out from three aspects of stratum, wellbore and surface. The application of mineral-insulated copper-clad cable heating and nano thermal insulation tubing has achieved remarkable results, saving 98 600 tons of dilute oil. It can be popularized in such super heavy oil reservoirs. The breakthrough of temperature-resistant and salt-resistant water-soluble viscosity reducer and the progress of the sulfur-resistant screw pump lift technology provide sufficient conditions for the efficiency recovery of super heavy oil reservoirs. The principle of efficient ground gathering and transportation is simple, but involves the network transformation and equipment upgrade, with high cost and complex implementation. Now the test equipments are in preparation. As the technology of formation viscosity reduction is very difficult, it is in the stage of technical demonstration. The development and integrated application of low-cost recovery technology for super heavy oil improve the development benefit. And after general consideration, the bottleneck is found out according to the specific well conditions, and the matching technology in the technical system is select, so as to achieve the goal of efficiency recovery for super heavy oil, and improve the ability of oilfields to cope with low oil prices.
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