

  • 胡永乐 ,
  • 郝明强
  • 中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083

收稿日期: 2020-03-20

  网络出版日期: 2020-07-03



Development characteristics and cost analysis of CCUS in China

  • Yongle HU ,
  • Mingqiang HAO
  • Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, CNPC, Beijing 100083, China

Received date: 2020-03-20

  Online published: 2020-07-03


世界范围内CCUS(CO2捕集、利用与埋存)产业发展迅速,并且逐渐从单环节项目向全产业项目发展;捕集对象从电厂和天然气处理,扩展到钢铁、水泥、煤油、化肥及制氢等行业。目前,产业驱动方式主要有5种:政府及公共基金、国家激励政策、税收、强制性减排政策及碳交易等。我国规模集中排放CO2的企业主要以电厂、水泥、钢铁和煤化工为主,其排放量约占总量的92 %。按浓度划分,以低浓度的电厂、水泥、钢铁及炼化行业为主,高浓度的煤化工、合成氨、电石及中浓度的聚乙烯行业排放源相对较少。CO2来源成本由捕集、压缩及运输3部分构成,这3项成本均受捕集规模的影响,而捕集成本还与排放源浓度密切相关,高浓度排放源以压缩成本为主,低浓度排放源以捕集成本为主。多数油田对CO2成本的承受力低于其来源成本,这之间的差距需要寻求技术、政策及市场等方面的途径来填补。


胡永乐 , 郝明强 . CCUS产业发展特点及成本界限研究[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2020 , 10(3) : 15 -22 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2020.03.002


Nowadays, the CCUS industry is developing rapidly worldwide, of which the projects are gradually turning from single-section items to whole-industry ones. The target of capture has expanded from power plants and natural gas processing to steel, cement, kerosene, fertilizers and hydrogen production. At present, there are five major ways to drive the industry: government and public funds, national incentive policies, taxation, mandatory emission reduction policies and carbon trading. In China, the CO2 emitting enterprises are mainly power plants, cement, steel and coal chemicals, accounting for 92 % of the total emissions. According to the concentration, the low concentration CO2 emission sources are mainly from power plants, cement, steel and refining and chemical industries, that with high concentration are mainly from coal chemical industry, synthetic ammonia and calcium carbide, and that with medium concentration is mainly from the polyethylene industry. The first are the majority, while the latter two are relatively few. Costs of CO2 sources are comprised of three main parts: capture cost, compression cost and transportation cost, all of which are affected by the scale of capture. Meanwhile, the cost of capture is also related to the concentration of emission source. For the type of high CO2 concentration, the expense of compression takes the lead in accounting. And capture cost is for the low CO2 concentration type. As the tolerance of CO2 cost is lower than source cost for most oilfields, it is necessary to seek ways like technology, policies or markets to fill the gap and promote the sustainable development.


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