油气藏评价与开发 >
2020 , Vol. 10 >Issue 5: 77 - 83
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2020.05.011
收稿日期: 2020-02-27
网络出版日期: 2020-09-24
Application of tractor in perforation of shale gas horizontal wells
Received date: 2020-02-27
Online published: 2020-09-24
为解决连续油管传输射孔周期长、费用高、长水平段自锁等问题,开展了爬行器射孔的攻关试验。目前页岩气水平井分段压裂主要采用泵送桥塞射孔联作进行分段压裂,首段射孔,因缺乏泵送通道,常采用连续油管传输射孔,作业周期相对较长,费用相对较高,不利于降本增效开发。南川页岩气田通过引进研制改进部分工具,扩展了滚轮爬行器的业务范围,实现了页岩气水平井爬行器射孔。爬行器射孔通过牵引器提供动力,将射孔枪输送到射孔位置,点火完成射孔。通过现场改进及试验,南川页岩气田解决了电压隔离保护短节、减震短节、转接头3个方面的问题,掌握了爬行器射孔的性能及其适用条件,为后续施工提供经验和依据。试验结果表明,爬行器射孔在井斜小于90°的页岩气井水平段首段射孔是可行的。爬行器射孔能满足页岩气水平井带压射孔作业需求,作业过程受井斜、井筒洁净度的影响较大,相比连续油管射孔而言,其提速降本效果明显,单井节省施工周期2 d,提效达50 %。
王俊方 , 张龙富 , 夏海帮 , 王玉海 . 爬行器在页岩气水平井射孔中的应用研究[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2020 , 10(5) : 77 -83 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2020.05.011
In order to solve the problems of long perforation cycle, high cost and self-locking of long horizontal section of coiled tubing transmission, a key test for tractor perforation has been carried out. At present, the staged fracturing of horizontal shale gas wells mainly uses pumping bridge plug perforation. In the first part of the frac well, because of the lack of pumping channels, coiled tubing transmission perforation is used usually, which need longer operating cycle and higher cost, and is not beneficial to reduce cost and improve efficiency. Nanchuan Shale Gas Field has expanded the business scope of the roller tractor by introducing and improving some tools, and realized the tractor perforation of shale gas horizontal wells. The tractor perforation powered by a tractor transports the perforation gun to the position and ignites the gun. By on-site improvement and testing, Nanchuan Shale Gas Field has solved the problems of voltage isolation protection joints, shock absorption joints and adapters, mastered the performance of tractor perforation and applicable conditions, and provided experience for subsequent construction and basis. The test results show that the perforation of the tractor in the horizontal section of shale gas wells with a well deviation of less than 90° is reliable and feasible. The tractor perforation can meet the needs of shale gas horizontal wells under pressure perforating operation. Its operation process is greatly affected by well deviation and wellbore cleanliness. Compared with coiled tubing perforation, its speed-up and cost-reducing effect is obvious. The construction period can be saved by two days, up to 50 %.
Key words: tractor; first stage perforation; shale gas; horizontal well; fracture
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