油气藏评价与开发 >
2021 , Vol. 11 >Issue 4: 542 - 549
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.04.010
收稿日期: 2021-04-06
网络出版日期: 2021-08-19
Application of distributed optical fiber temperature monitoring technology in production and profile interpretation of fractured horizontal wells
Received date: 2021-04-06
Online published: 2021-08-19
分布式光纤温度监测技术(DTS)正逐渐被应用于压裂水平井井下生产状况监测,但基于DTS数据定量解释低渗气藏压裂水平井产出剖面仍是一个巨大难题。针对这一难题,首先,对温度数据进行预处理;然后,基于质量守恒、能量守恒原理,建立低渗气藏压裂水平井耦合温度正演模型;最后,利用多种数学方法反演得到各层流量数据,形成一套基于DTS的低渗气藏压裂水平井的产出剖面处理解释方法。采用建立的方法对5口压裂水平井进行实际资料处理,结果表明:正演的温度拟合曲线和原始温度曲线在变化特征上基本一致,证明了正演模型的合理性和准确性。另外,5口井计算日产气量绝对误差介于100~1 712 m3,日产水绝对误差介于0.7~1.8 m3,其结果误差较小,满足生产要求,为低渗气藏的开发提供了技术支撑。
冯晓炜 , 赵毅 , 杨鹏 , 周锦程 . 分布式光纤温度监测技术在压裂水平井产剖解释中的应用[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2021 , 11(4) : 542 -549 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.04.010
The distributed optical fiber temperature monitoring technology is gradually being used to monitor the downhole production of fractured horizontal wells. However, it is still a huge problem to interpret the production profile of fractured horizontal wells quantitatively based on DTS data in low permeability gas reservoirs. In view of this, this study established the method, first, the temperature data preprocessing, and then, on the basis of the principle of conservation of mass and energy conservation of horizontal wells in low permeability gas reservoir fracturing coupling temperature forward model, finally using a variety of traffic data of mathematical methods of inversion layers, forming a set of monitoring based on distributed optical fiber temperature measurement technology of horizontal wells in low permeability gas reservoir fracturing of output profile processing and interpretation methods.The actual data processing of fractured horizontal well 5 was carried out by using the established method.The results show that the forward temperature fitting curve is basically consistent with the original temperature curve, which indicates the rationality and accuracy of the forward model.In addition, the calculated absolute errors of daily gas production of the five wells were between 100 m3 and 1 712 m3, and the absolute errors of daily water production are between 0.7 m3 and 1.8 m3. The errors are small and meet the production requirements. All these provided technical support for the development of low permeability gas reservoirs.
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