油气藏评价与开发 >
2022 , Vol. 12 >Issue 2: 329 - 336
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.02.008
收稿日期: 2021-09-28
网络出版日期: 2022-05-07
Test and application of new amphoteric-nonionic foaming agents in Lower Palaeozoic gas reservoir
Received date: 2021-09-28
Online published: 2022-05-07
关键词: 大牛地气田; 下古气藏; 两性非离子复合型泡排剂; 抗矿化度; 二次起泡
杨兵 , 张泰来 , 李佳 , 赵建军 , 王成锋 . 新型两性非离子型泡排剂在下古气藏的试验与应用[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2022 , 12(2) : 329 -336 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.02.008
The formation water of Lower Palaeozoic gas reservoir in Daniudi Gas Field is high-salinity and acidity, and downhole throttling technology is mostly used. Thus, the amphoteric foaming agents widely used in gas fields has poor foaming and foam stabilization performance, and this cannot meet the demand for high-efficiency and low-cost drainage gas recovery. Although dozens of foaming agents have been formed internationally, there is no reports about foaming agents developed for the characteristics of Lower Palaeozoic reservoir of Daniudi Gas Field. Considering the fluid and process characteristics of Lower Palaeozoic reservoir, and the influence of high-salinity formation water, the sensitivity to pH and the stability of foam passing through the choke, to construct a new type amphoteric-nonionic compound foaming agent with sulfonated AEO3 and lauramide propyl phosphobetaine as the main agent, coconut oil fatty acid monoethanolamide as the foaming aid, and sapindus extract as the foam stabilizer. The indoor evaluation shows that the amphoteric-nonionic composite foaming agent has strong foaming, stabilizing-foam, secondary foaming and liquid-carrying ability under high-salinity and acidic; after the field test application, the well drainage capacity improved, the pressure difference with tubing to casing decreased, and the gas production increased. It is shown that its application effect and economic benefits prospects are good. The amphoteric-nonionic composite foaming agent fills the void of the foaming agent for Lower Palaeozoic gas reservoir in Daniudi Gas Field, improving the technical problems of insufficient liquid-carrying, and has the value of popularization and application.
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