油气藏评价与开发 >
2022 , Vol. 12 >Issue 4: 626 - 632
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.04.010
收稿日期: 2022-05-10
网络出版日期: 2022-09-02
Cause analysis and treatment of coal-bed gas well plugging decline: A case study of southern Yanchuan CBM Field
Received date: 2022-05-10
Online published: 2022-09-02
延川南煤层气田部分井在生产过程中出现产气、产液异常快速递减的堵塞型生产特征。为了分析堵塞产生的原因,基于气井产液、水质、检泵等生产动态信息的变化,明确了堵塞主因包括结垢和煤粉两个方面,在分析结垢和煤粉堵塞形成机理的基础上开展了针对性预防和治理措施。针对结垢堵塞井形成常态化阻垢剂防垢与多级脉冲冲击波解堵相结合的防治措施,16口井增产效果较好,平均单井累计增产30.11×104 m3。针对煤粉堵塞井形成自循环和空心杆洗井携煤粉工艺及氮气泡沫洗井解堵治理措施,洗井携煤粉工艺可有效缓解煤粉堵泵等导致的检泵,气井免修期延长60 %;氮气泡沫解堵应用4口井均取得显著增产效果,平均单井增产1.25×104 m3/d。成果认识为堵塞型煤层气井原因分析和治理对策提供了借鉴。
刘晓 , 崔彬 , 吴展 . 煤层气井堵塞型递减原因分析及治理——以延川南煤层气田为例[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2022 , 12(4) : 626 -632 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.04.010
In the production process, part of the wells in southern Yanchuan CBM Field has the plugging characteristics of abnormal and rapid decline of gas production and liquid production. In order to analyze the causes of blockage, based on the changes of the production dynamic information of the liquid recovery, water quality and pump check of wells, the main cause of plugging is clarified, including scaling and pulverized coal. On the basis of analyzing the formation mechanism of scaling and pulverized coal blockage, the targeted prevention and treatment measures are carried out. For the scaling plugging wells, form a treatment measure combining the normal prevention by adding scale inhibitor and the plugging removal by multi-stage pulse shock wave. 16 wells implemented by multi-stage pulse shock wave have got a good production increase with an average production increase of 30.11×104 m3 per well. For the pulverized coal plugging wells, coal-carrying process by self-circulation and hollow rod well washing, and nitrogen foam well-unblocking treatment measures are formed. Well washing for carrying pulverized coal effectively alleviate the pump check caused by pulverized coal blocking pump, the gas well repair free period extended by 60 %. Four wells applied the nitrogen foam for unblocking achieve significant production increase, with an average daily production increase of 1.25×104 m3 per well. The results provide references for the cause analysis and treatment of blocked CBM wells.
Key words: deep coal seam; pulverized coal; scale formation; plugging; plug removal
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