油气藏评价与开发 >
2022 , Vol. 12 >Issue 6: 843 - 849
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.06.002
收稿日期: 2022-03-31
网络出版日期: 2022-12-02
Vertical distribution characteristics analysis of shallow stratum geothermal temperature field in the Southeastern Hancheng Fault, Guanzhong Basin
Received date: 2022-03-31
Online published: 2022-12-02
为了进一步认识关中盆地韩城大断裂东南地区浅部地温场垂向分布特征,利用单线多点通讯式测温光缆对研究区50 m以浅的松散地层温度开展了为期1 a的监测。结果表明:该地区松散层温度在垂向上分带明显、规律性好,可分为变温带、恒温带及增温带。变温带底面埋深为15 m,其温度受气候影响明显,且变温带的温度变化相对于大气的变化存在着滞后现象。恒温带深度范围为15~35 m,平均温度15.3 ℃,比同地区年平均大气温度高1.8 ℃。埋深超过35 m为增温带,推算该地区35~100 m范围内地温梯度为3.25 ℃/hm,高于区域平均地温梯度,推测可能有以下原因:一是韩城大断裂作为导热通道将深部热量带到浅部地层;二是浅部地层地下水径流强度相对较弱,热量得以保存;三是第四系与新近系松散层黄土厚度较大,隔热保温性能较好。
薛宇泽 , 张玉贵 , 韩元红 , 张廷会 , 薛超 , 肖踞辉 , 彭振洲 , 郭斌 . 关中盆地韩城大断裂东南地区浅部地温垂向分布特征浅析[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2022 , 12(6) : 843 -849 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.06.002
Inorder to further study the vertical distribution characteristics of the shallow geothermal temperature field in the southeastern of Hancheng, Guanzhong Basin. The authors used temperature measuring cable, which is single line multipoint communication, to monitor stratum temperature in a depth of 50 meters for one year in Hancheng. The results shows that the vertical distribution of shallow geothermal temperature is regularity and obviously layered, it can be differentiated as variable temperature zone, constant temperature zone and increased temperature zone. The buried depth of the bottom of variable temperature zone is 15 m, it is significantly affected by climate. Compared with the temperature change of atmosphere, the variable temperature zone has a hysteresis phenomenon. The constant temperature zone depth range is between 15~35 m, and the average temperature is 15.3 ℃, 1.8 ℃ higher than the annual average atmospheric temperature in the same region. The increased temperature zone is below 35 m, and the geothermal gradient is 3.25 ℃/hm within 35~100 m, which is higher than surrounding area. It is concluded that there are three reasons: firstly, the Hancheng fault is heat conduction channel to carry deep heat to shallow formations; secondly, the groundwater runoff intensity is relatively weak to save heat; thirdly, the loose stratum of quaternary and neogene is thick, which can reduce thermal conduction.
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