

  • 张天安 ,
  • 王睿峰 ,
  • 王沣浩 ,
  • 蔡皖龙 ,
  • 周聪 ,
  • 刘博洋
  • 1.陕西中煤新能源有限公司,陕西 西安 710054
    2.西安交通大学,陕西 西安 710049

收稿日期: 2022-06-29

  网络出版日期: 2022-12-02

Influence of sustainable load imbalance ratio of heat exchanger of medium-shallow borehole

  • Tian'an ZHANG ,
  • Ruifeng WANG ,
  • Fenghao WANG ,
  • Wanlong CAI ,
  • Cong ZHOU ,
  • Boyang LIU
  • 1. Shaanxi Zhongmei New Energy Co., Ltd, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710054, China
    2. Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710049, China

Received date: 2022-06-29

  Online published: 2022-12-02


埋深较传统浅层地埋管更深的新型中浅层地埋管换热器可承载更大的冷热负荷不平衡率,拓宽了地热能的应用范围。为了探索不同设计参数影响下中浅层地埋管换热器的长期运行性能及负荷不平衡率承载能力大小,基于开源数值模拟平台OpenGeoSys建立了考虑管网特性的三维数值计算模型并开展了相关研究。研究结果表明,不同规模中浅层地埋管管群中换热器的负荷不平衡率承载能力有所不同,单根换热器的最大负荷不平衡率为56 %;而位于管群边缘位置的换热器的负荷不平衡率最大(60 %),位于管群中心的换热器的负荷不平衡率最小(45 %),这说明冷堆积现象对中浅层地埋管换热器的负荷不平衡率承载能力具有较大影响。因此,在实际运行过程中可以通过关停部分管群中心位置的中浅层地埋管换热器来避免管群整体运行性能的降低。3种不同排布方式下,中浅层地埋管换热器的负荷不平衡率介于53 % ~ 58 %,其中,交错排布下换热器的平均最大负荷不平衡率最高,因此,在实际应用中建议采用交错排布进行布置。研究表明,提出的新型中浅层地埋管换热器具有更大的负荷不平衡率承载能力,十分适用于建筑冷热负荷不平衡地区,相关结论还可为中浅层地埋管换热器的设计提供依据。


张天安 , 王睿峰 , 王沣浩 , 蔡皖龙 , 周聪 , 刘博洋 . 中浅层地埋管换热器负荷不平衡率承载能力影响研究[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2022 , 12(6) : 886 -893 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.06.007


The heat exchanger of medium-shallow borehole which have a deeper depth than the traditional ground source heat pump system and can sustain a notable load imbalance ratio and widen the application scope of geothermal energy. In order to investigate the long-term performance of medium-shallow borehole heat exchanger in the area with unbalanced cooling and heating load of buildings and the sustainable load imbalance ratio under different design parameters, a comprehensive numerical model is established based on the OpenGeoSys. The results show that the sustainable load imbalance ratio of medium-shallow borehole heat exchangers change with different scales. The load imbalance ratio of a single heat exchanger is 56 %, while the load imbalance ratio of the heat exchanger located at the edge of the array is the largest of 60 %, and the load imbalance ratio of the heat exchanger located in the center of the array is the smallest of 45 %. This indicates that the cold accumulation phenomenon will reduce the load imbalance ratio of the medium-shallow borehole heat exchanger. Therefore, in the actual operation process, the overall operation performance of the array can be avoided by shutting down some medium-shallow borehole heat exchanger located in the center of the array. Under three different arrangements, the load imbalance ratio of the medium-shallow borehole heat exchangers also changes, ranging from 53 % to 58 %. The average load imbalance ratio of the medium-shallow borehole heat exchangers in staggered arrangement is the highest, so it is recommended to adopt staggered arrangement in practical application. The results show that the newly proposed medium-shallow borehole heat exchanger can sustain a notable load imbalance ratio, and provide a basis for the design of medium-shallow borehole heat exchangers.


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