油气藏评价与开发 >
2023 , Vol. 13 >Issue 1: 127 - 134
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2023.01.014
收稿日期: 2021-09-29
网络出版日期: 2023-01-30
Stress sensitive characteristics of fault-karst reservoir
Received date: 2021-09-29
Online published: 2023-01-30
断溶体油藏连通介质为裂缝、溶洞、孔隙,随着压力下降导致渗透力下降、导流能力降低,对油井产能产生不可逆的影响。根据断溶体油藏应力敏感特征,设计并开展了72组导流能力物理模拟对比实验,分析了不同连通介质应力敏感特征及其影响因素;基于物理模拟实验结果及和渗流力学理论建立了断溶体油藏流动数值反演模型,开展了储层压力下降导致的应力敏感效应对油井产能的研究。结果表明:压力下降对不同连通介质的导流能力、油井产能以及恢复能力具有较大影响。裂缝型、溶洞型及孔隙型压力拐点出现时机分为原始压力的5.3 %、20.4 %、35.1 %,裂缝型、溶洞型导流能力损失分别为99.7 %、45.0 %,孔隙型测试范围内未出现走平端。压降拐点特征研究对合理控制产量和能量补充时机的确定提供了依据,对油井稳产具有重要的指导意义。
张艺晓 , 李小波 , 尚根华 , 刘洪光 , 李青 , 谭涛 . 断溶体油藏应力敏感特征研究[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2023 , 13(1) : 127 -134 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2023.01.014
The connected media of fault-karst reservoir are fractures, caves and pores, the decrease of pressure will lead to the decrease of permeability and conductivity, which will have an irreversible impact on oil well production. According to the stress-sensitive characteristics of fault-karst reservoir, 72 groups of physical simulation experiments on conductivity are designed and carried out to analyze the stress-sensitive characteristics of different connected media and influencing factors. Based on the results of physical simulation experiment and the theory of porous flow, a numerical inversion model of flow in fractured solution reservoir is established, and the stress sensitivity effect caused by reservoir pressure drop on oil well production is studied. The results show that the pressure drop has great influence on the conductivity, productivity and recovery ability of different connected media. The pressure inflection points of fracture type, karst cave type and pore type are 5.3 %, 20.4 % and 35.1 %, respectively, and the conductivity loss of the first two are 99.7 % and 45.0 %. The conductivity loss of pore type decreases linearly in the test range. The research on the characteristics of pressure drop inflection point provides the basis for reasonable production control and the determination of energy replenishment time, and has important guiding significance for stable production of oil wells.
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