油气藏评价与开发 >
2023 , Vol. 13 >Issue 2: 223 - 232
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2023.02.011
收稿日期: 2021-04-15
网络出版日期: 2023-04-26
Application status and development direction of optimal injection allocation method for water injection wells
Received date: 2021-04-15
Online published: 2023-04-26
针对现有注水井优化配注方法缺乏统一性和规范性的问题,以注水井优化配注涉及的关键参数纵向劈分系数、平面劈分系数和注采比3个方面为切入点,对国内外学者在注水井优化配注方面的研究进行总结和归纳,得到了适用于不同场合下的注水井优化配注计算方法。在此基础上以采油井为中心,提出了注水井优化配注新方法。新方法重点强调了注水井的优化配注应根据不同地质油藏特征、油田开发阶段、配注精度需求等因素选择不同的优化配注参数计算方法,从而使油田优化注水效果最佳。并将优化配注新思路在矿场进行试验,实现区块日增油幅度高达10 %(日增油20 m3)的良好开发效果。最后指出了未来优化注水方向必然是基于人工智能的注水方案设计、智能优化和同步调整为核心的油藏和采油工程一体化。以上注水井优化配注方法,对不同类型不同开发阶段油田的注水工作具有指导意义。
罗宪波 , 常会江 , 雷源 , 翟上奇 , 孙广义 . 注水井优化配注方法应用现状及发展方向[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2023 , 13(2) : 223 -232 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2023.02.011
There is a lack of uniformity and standardization of the existing optimal injection allocation method. Therefore, three key parameters involved in the optimization of water injection well allocation, which are longitudinal splitting coefficient, plane splitting coefficient and injection-production ratio, are taking as the breakthrough point. And then, the research on the allocation optimization of injection wells by the scholars at home and abroad is summarized. Finally, the calculation method of injection well allocation suitable for different occasions is obtained. On this basis, a new idea of optimizing injection allocation for water injection wells is proposed with the oil production wells as the center. This new idea emphasizes that for the optimal injection allocation of the water injection wells, the optimal injection parameter calculation method should be selected according to different geological reservoir characteristics, oilfield development stages, injection accuracy and other factors, so that to make the oilfield optimized water injection effect best. After this method is applied to the field test, a good development effect is achieved with a daily oil increase of up to 10 %(daily oil increase of 20 m3) in the block. In general, the optimization of water injection direction in the future must be the integration of reservoir and oil production engineering with the water injection scheme design, intelligent optimization and synchronous adjustment are the core based on artificial intelligence. The proposed optimized injection well allocation method has guiding significance for the water injection work of different types of oilfields at different stages of development.
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