油气藏评价与开发 >
2023 , Vol. 13 >Issue 3: 313 - 321
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2023.03.006
收稿日期: 2022-07-28
网络出版日期: 2023-06-26
Effect of betaine surfactant structure on the properties of CO2 foam film
Received date: 2022-07-28
Online published: 2023-06-26
在油藏泡沫驱和气藏泡沫排水剂应用中,泡沫体系的稳定性至关重要。表面活性剂分子结构,界面排布对泡沫液膜渗透率及稳定性的影响对于构筑高稳定CO2泡沫具有重要意义,但是目前还没有一个系统的了解。采用4种分子结构的甜菜碱型表面活性剂作为研究对象,泡沫体相性质评价作为研究方法,针对饱和吸附量、泡沫液膜渗透率和泡沫稳定性等体相性质,开展了表面活性剂分子结构、界面排布、CO2泡沫液膜渗透率和泡沫稳定性及其相关关系实验研究。研究表明:当表面活性剂分子头基一致时,疏水碳链长度增加,疏水作用增强,液膜表面分子排列更加紧密,泡沫液膜渗透率降低,泡沫稳定性增强;当表面活性剂分子具有更长疏水碳链时,增强的疏水作用导致液膜排布更加紧密且吸附量增大,阻碍气泡内CO2气体渗透行为,导致起泡液起泡能力减弱。基于4种起泡体系所获参数进行回归分析,建立了泡沫寿命、泡沫液膜分子吸附量及起泡能力与泡沫液膜渗透率K的相关系数R2,拟合表明R2 >0.90;因此,泡沫液膜渗透率K可作为评价泡沫体系的稳定性的参数之一,为高稳定泡沫体系筛选提供一个可靠的评价参数。
王典林 , 杨琼 , 魏兵 , 戢炳鑫 , 辛军 , 孙琳 . 甜菜碱型表面活性剂结构对CO2泡沫液膜性质的影响[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2023 , 13(3) : 313 -321 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2023.03.006
The stability of foam system is very important in the application of foam flooding and gas reservoir foam drainage agent. The influence of surfactant molecular structure and interface arrangement on the permeability and stability of foam liquid film is of great significance for the construction of highly stable CO2 foam, but there is no systematic understanding at present. The betaine surfactant with four molecular structures is used as the research object, and the foam phase property evaluation is used as the research method. For the saturated adsorption capacity, foam liquid film permeability, foam stability and other phase properties, the surfactant molecular structure, interface arrangement, CO2 foam liquid film permeability, foam stability and their correlation experiments are carried out. The results show that when the molecular head groups of surfactants are consistent, the hydrophobic carbon chain length increases, the hydrophobic effect increases, the molecules on the liquid film surface are arranged more closely, the permeability of foam liquid film decreases, and the stability of foam increases. When surfactant molecules have longer hydrophobic carbon chains, the enhanced hydrophobicity leads to a tighter arrangement of the liquid membrane and an increase in adsorption capacity, hindering the permeation behavior of CO2 gas within the bubble and weakening the foaming ability of the foaming solution. Based on the regression analysis of the parameters obtained from four foaming systems, the correlation coefficient R2 between foam life, foam liquid film molecular adsorption capacity and foaming capacity and foam liquid film permeability K is established. The fitting shows that R2>0.90. Therefore, the permeability of foam liquid film K can be used as one of the parameters to evaluate the stability of foam system and provide a reliable evaluation parameter for the screening of highly stable foam system.
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