

  • 任洪达 ,
  • 董景锋 ,
  • 高靓 ,
  • 刘凯新 ,
  • 张敬春 ,
  • 尹淑丽
  • 1.中国石油新疆油田公司工程技术研究院,新疆 克拉玛依 834000
    2.新疆页岩油勘探开发重点实验室,新疆 克拉玛依 834000
    3.中国石油新疆油田油气储运公司,新疆 克拉玛依 834000

收稿日期: 2023-04-14

  网络出版日期: 2023-09-01



Field test of self-suspending proppant at Mahu sandstone reservoir in Xinjiang Oilfield

  • Hongda REN ,
  • Jingfeng DONG ,
  • Jing GAO ,
  • Kaixin LIU ,
  • Jingchun ZHANG ,
  • Shuli YIN
  • 1. Engineering Technology Research Institute, Xinjiang Oilfield Company, CNPC, Karamay, Xinjiang 834000, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Shale Oil Exploration and Development in Xinjiang, Karamay, Xinjiang 834000, China
    3. Oil and Gas Storage Transportation Company of Xinjiang Oilfield, Karamay, Xinjiang 834000, Chian

Received date: 2023-04-14

  Online published: 2023-09-01


目前大排量滑溜水压裂工艺已成为非常规油气资源开发的主要手段,由于滑溜水携砂能力有限,支撑剂在裂缝中沉降速度快、运移距离短,储层改造效果有待进一步提升。自悬浮支撑剂表面包裹的水溶性材料可提升其在滑溜水或清水中的悬浮效果,增大裂缝支撑体积。实验结果表明,自悬浮支撑剂基本技术指标满足标准要求,20 %砂比时在自来水中全悬浮时间小于40 s,且在90 ℃条件下能够稳定悬浮2 h以上,混合液破胶彻底。新疆油田在玛湖砂岩储层开展现场试验,实现清水连续携砂,最高砂质量浓度480 kg/m3,施工压力平稳。自悬浮支撑剂清水压裂技术在新疆油田的成功应用为后期油气资源工艺技术的选择提供参考。


任洪达 , 董景锋 , 高靓 , 刘凯新 , 张敬春 , 尹淑丽 . 新疆油田玛湖砂岩储层自悬浮支撑剂现场试验[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2023 , 13(4) : 513 -518 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2023.04.013


Currently, the large-displacement slickwater fracturing process has become the primary method for developing unconventional oil and gas resource. However, the efficiency of this process is limited by the sand carrying capacity of slickwater, which results in rapid settlement and short migration distance of the proppant within the fractures, leading to a need for further improvement in the reservoir transformation effect. To address this issue, a water-soluble material is applied to coat the surface of the self-suspending proppant, enhancing its suspension effect in slickwater or clear water and thereby increasing the crack support volume. The self-suspending proppant meets the required technical standards, showing a total suspension time of less than 40 seconds in tap water at a 20 % sand ratio, and maintaining stable suspension for over two hours at 90 ℃ even during thorough mixing. In a practical on-site test at Mahu sandstone reservoir in Xinjiang Oilfield, continuous sand carrying was achieved using clean water, reaching a maximum sand concentration of 480 kg/m3 while maintaining stable construction pressure. The successful application of self-suspending proppant clear water fracturing technology in Xinjiang oilfield serves as a valuable reference for the selection of oil and gas resource technology in the future stage.


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