油气藏评价与开发 >
2023 , Vol. 13 >Issue 6: 827 - 833
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2023.06.014
收稿日期: 2022-12-29
网络出版日期: 2024-01-03
Well test model of vertical double-hole channeling considering gravity
Received date: 2022-12-29
Online published: 2024-01-03
顺北油田塔里木盆地顺托果勒低隆北部断溶体储层具有明显的垂向发育及非均质性特征。由于储层垂向深度大,流体渗流过程中重力影响不可忽略。考虑油藏储层由小尺度的裂缝、大尺度的溶洞以及大尺度的窜流通道构成,不同深度处的初始压力随深度的变化,结合渗流力学原理及等势体理论建立了考虑重力作用的大尺度缝洞试井模型。采用Laplace(拉普拉斯)变换方法进行了求解,绘制了模型典型图版及参数敏感性分析图版。结果表明:考虑重力作用时流体流动需要克服更大的阻力,无因次压力及其导数曲线中后期位置更高;考虑小尺度裂缝储层渗流作用时会出现窜流通道线性流、大溶洞过渡流、大溶洞拟稳态流分别与裂缝性储层径向流的叠加特征,前者无因次压力及其压力导数曲线斜率介于0 ~ 0.5,后两者无因次压力导数曲线缓慢下降后缓慢上升。通过实例分析验证了模型的有效性和适用性。研究成果丰富了缝洞试井模型,为垂向大深度缝洞型油藏试井资料解释提供了理论依据。
徐燕东 , 陶杉 , 何辉 , 万小勇 , 邹宁 , 袁鸿飞 . 考虑重力作用的垂向双洞窜流试井模型[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2023 , 13(6) : 827 -833 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2023.06.014
The fault-affected karst system in the north of Shuntuoguole low uplift, Tarim basin, Shunbei oilfield has obvious vertical development and heterogeneity. Due to the large vertical depth of the reservoir, the influence of gravity can not be ignored in the process of fluid flow. Considering that the reservoir is composed of small-scale fracture, large-scale cavity and large-scale channeling path, and the initial pressure at different depths varies with the depth, a large-scale fracture-vuggy well test model considering gravity is established combined with the principle of seepage mechanics and the equipotential body theory. The Laplace transform method was used to address this issue and the typical model plate and parameter sensitivity analysis plate were drawn. The results show that the fluid flow needs to overcome more resistance when gravity is taken into account, and the positions of dimensionless pressure and its derivative curves are higher in the middle and later stages. When accounting for the seepage effect in small-scale fractured reservoirs, distinct flow characteristics emerge: Linear flow in channeling paths, Transitional flow in large cavities, Quasi-steady flow in large cavities, and Radial flow in fractured reservoirs. The slope of the dimensionless pressure and its derivative curve of the former is between 0 and 0.5. The dimensionless pressure derivative curves of the latter two decrease slowly and then rise slowly. The applicability and validity of the model are further corroborated through case studies. This research not only enriches the fracture-vuggy well test model literature but also provides a solid theoretical foundation for interpreting well test data in vertical fracture-vuggy reservoirs with significant depth.
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