

  • 陈兴明 ,
  • 何志山
  • 1.中国石化华东油气分公司勘探开发研究院,江苏 南京 210019
    2.中国石化华东石油局液碳公司,江苏 南京 210019

收稿日期: 2023-11-13

  网络出版日期: 2024-03-05



Research and application of modular skid-mounted CO2 recovery technology

  • Xingming CHEN ,
  • Zhishan HE
  • 1. Exploration and Development Research Institute, Sinopec East China Oil&Gas Company, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210019, China
    2. Sinopec East China Petroleum Bureau Liquid Carbon Company, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210019, China

Received date: 2023-11-13

  Online published: 2024-03-05


在“碳达峰、碳中和”背景下,传统化工企业都将面临CO2排放指标限制难题。CCUS(碳捕集、利用与封存)技术是解决CO2排放难题的关键一招,化工企业首先需要依靠CO2尾气捕集回收装置,实现上游源头减碳,再通过下游资源利用,进而形成经济可行的CCUS产业链。针对传统CO2尾气回收装置建设过程中存在的占地面积大,土建费用高,灵活性差,施工周期长等突出问题,研发出模块化撬装化CO2回收技术,可以有效降低前期投资成本和缩短施工周期。该技术根据装置工艺功能单元特点,基于模块化设计实现回收工艺模块划分,达到100%工厂化预制,现场模块化施工标准。同时,利用撬装化设计,合理布局管道阀门,实现模块内设备优化整合成撬,最终形成全流程模块化撬装化的CO2回收装置。现场应用结果表明,相比传统CO2尾气回收装置,模块化撬装化5×104 t/a煤制氢CO2尾气回收装置完全达到降低投资成本和缩短施工周期目标,其中土建费用降低74.0%,建设面积降低75.2%,工程施工周期缩短50.0%。


陈兴明 , 何志山 . 模块化撬装化CO2回收技术研究与应用[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2024 , 14(1) : 64 -69 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2024.01.009


Under the background of “carbon peak and carbon neutrality”, traditional chemical enterprises are encountering challenges due to CO2 emission limitations. CCUS(Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage) technology emerges as a crucial strategy for addressing CO2 emissions. To mitigate emissions at the source, chemical companies are turning to CO2 flue gas capture and recovery technologies, while also exploring ways to integrate these efforts into a cost-effective CCUS industrial chain. To overcome the drawbacks of traditional CO2 flue gas recovery units, such as large land use, high construction costs, inflexibility, and lengthy construction times, the modular skid-mounted CO2 recovery technology has been introduced. This innovative approach minimizes upfront investment and accelerates project timelines by modularizing the recovery process, allowing for 100% factory prefabrication and streamlined on-site assembly. The skid-mounted design efficiently organizes pipelines and valves, integrating equipment within each module onto skids, resulting in a fully modular skid-mounted CO2 recovery unit. Field applications demonstrate significant advantages of the modular skid-mounted approach over conventional methods. For example, a 5×104 tons per year coal-to-hydrogen CO2 flue gas recovery unit saw a 74.0% reduction in construction costs, a 75.2% decrease in required space, and a 50.0% shorter construction timeline, effectively meeting the objectives of cost reduction and expedited project completion.


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