油气藏评价与开发 >
2024 , Vol. 14 >Issue 3: 352 - 363
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2024.03.005
收稿日期: 2023-07-06
网络出版日期: 2024-07-10
Study on dynamic stress field for fracturing in horizontal well group of shale oil
Received date: 2023-07-06
Online published: 2024-07-10
水平井组开发页岩油是基于水平单井压裂局限性提出的新型压裂方式。在水平井组压裂过程中,由于存在多口井和多条人工裂缝,且裂缝周围应力变化和井间地应力分布复杂,这种复杂的应力变化将进一步影响裂缝的扩展形态。因此,深入研究水平井组中不同压裂方式下应力场的变化机理和规律对于控制裂缝形态和提高裂缝复杂度具有重要意义。针对页岩油储层压裂改造过程中应力分布问题,通过构建水力压裂数值模型,系统地研究水平井组不同压裂方式下应力场的变化机理和规律以及裂缝扩展后的应力场变化规律,并基于裂缝的形态特点进行了压裂效果的定量评价。研究表明: ①同步压裂布缝方式可以有效影响井间地应力的变化,相较于正对布缝方式,交错布缝方式在井间产生的诱导应力提高了24%,并在相同井距下更容易引起井间地应力转向;②交错布缝方式下所形成的裂缝形态更为优越,压裂效果更为显著,交错布缝能有效提高裂缝的长度和宽度,使裂缝表面积和体积增大了4.6%和21.1%;③拉链压裂所形成的裂缝形态更为优越,压裂效果优于同步压裂,进一步增大了裂缝长度和宽度,使裂缝总表面积和总体积增大了1.3%和0.1%。
赵海峰 , 王腾飞 , 李忠百 , 梁为 , 张涛 . 页岩油水平井组压裂动态应力场研究[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2024 , 14(3) : 352 -363 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2024.03.005
The deployment of horizontal well groups for shale oil development represents an innovative approach to fracturing, addressing the constraints observed in single horizontal wells. This study focuses on the fracturing dynamics within groups of horizontal wells, where the interplay of multiple wells and artificial fractures introduces complex variations in stress around the fractures and the in-situ stress distribution between wells. Such complexities significantly influence the morphology of fracture propagation. A comprehensive investigation into the stress field dynamics under various fracturing methods in horizontal well groups was conducted using a hydraulic fracturing numerical model. This research is crucial for manipulating fracture morphology and enhancing fracture complexity. The study systematically explored the stress distribution during the shale oil reservoir fracturing reconstruction, analyzed fracture morphologies, and quantitatively assessed the fracturing outcomes. Key findings include: ① Synchronous fracturing effectively alters inter-well ground stress, with the staggered pattern inducing a 24% higher stress compared to the opposite pattern, thereby influencing the direction and reversal of ground stress under identical well spacing. ② Staggered layout exhibit superior shape and fracturing effects than those under the opposite layout, significantly increasing the length, width, surface area, and volume of fractures by 4.6% and 21.1%, respectively. ③ Zipper fracturing enhances fracture dimensions more effectively than synchronous fracturing, increasing the total surface area and volume of the fractures by 1.3% and 0.1%, respectively.
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