

  • 胡文革 ,
  • 马龙杰 ,
  • 汪彦 ,
  • 鲍典 ,
  • 张云
  • 1.中国石化西北油田分公司,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011
    2.中国石化碳酸盐岩缝洞型油藏提高采收率重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011

收稿日期: 2024-05-05

  网络出版日期: 2024-09-10



Application and reflections on efficient development of deep oil and gas reservoirs in Tarim Basin

  • Wenge HU ,
  • Longjie MA ,
  • Yan WANG ,
  • Dian BAO ,
  • Yun ZHANG
  • 1. Sinopec Northwest China Oilfield Company, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China
    2. Key Laboratory for EOR of Carbonate Fractured-Vuggy Reservoir of Sinopec, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China

Received date: 2024-05-05

  Online published: 2024-09-10




胡文革 , 马龙杰 , 汪彦 , 鲍典 , 张云 . 关于塔里木盆地深层油气藏高效开发的实践与思考[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2024 , 14(4) : 519 -528 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2024.04.001


The economic development of oil and gas reservoirs in the Tarim Basin is challenged by their complex nature and substantial investment costs. This paper primarily summarizes the intricacies of deep oil and gas reservoirs across four dimensions: accumulation conditions, reservoir space types, internal structures, and changes in hydrocarbon composition. It also explores three core issues that hinder efficient utilization, enhanced recovery, and economic growth of these reservoirs, along with proposed countermeasures. To address these challenges effectively, the paper proposes four research directions: ①A prediction method for reservoir characteristics that integrates the processes of near-source generation, transportation, storage, and cap rock formation. ②A quantitative parameter characterization method for identifying deep fractures and preserving caverns. ③A characterization method for differentiating fracture boundaries and assessing their internal connectivity. ④The establishment of a comprehensive life cycle economic evaluation system for ultra-deep domains, alongside differentiated development strategies. These strategies offer valuable suggestions towards achieving efficient development of deep to ultra-deep carbonate reservoirs and ensuring national energy security.


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