油气藏评价与开发 ›› 2020, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (5): 70-76.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2020.05.010

• 工程工艺 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国石化华东油气分公司南川页岩气项目部,重庆 408400
  • 收稿日期:2020-02-23 发布日期:2020-09-24 出版日期:2020-10-26
  • 作者简介:岑涛(1982—),男,本科,工程师,主要从事非常规天然气储层改造及排采技术研究工作。地址:重庆市南川区渝南大道传媒中心重庆页岩气有限公司,邮政编码:408400。E-mail: 2371021@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Research and application of key technologies for fracturing of normal pressure shale in Southeastern Chongqing

CEN Tao(),XIA Haibang,LEI Lin   

  1. Shale Gas Project Department of Nanchuan, Sinopec East China Oil and Gas Company, Chongqing 408400, China
  • Received:2020-02-23 Online:2020-09-24 Published:2020-10-26


为了解决渝东南常压页岩气储层因水平应力差大和高角度裂缝发育等地质特点难以形成复杂缝网体系,进而难以实现经济开发这一问题,开展了常压页岩气藏压裂关键技术应用研究。通过对彭水区块常压页岩气水平井压裂技术分析,借鉴国外海相页岩气压裂成功经验的基础上,不断探索,对压裂改造规模、连续加砂工艺和段内暂堵转向优化等关键技术不断优化,从而提高裂缝的复杂程度,增大单段改造体积形成大型复杂缝网。在LY2HF井和JY10HF井的现场应用分别取得了日产气9.6×104 m3 和16.7×104 m3的良好效果,从而实现常压页岩气的经济开发。

关键词: 常压页岩气藏, 复杂缝网体系, 压裂改造规模, 连续加砂, 段内暂堵转向


The normal pressure shale gas reservoir in Southeastern Chongqing is characterized by large horizontal stress difference and high angle fracture development, so that it is difficult to form the complex fracture network and further realize the economic development. In order to solve these problems, key technologies of fracturing in normal pressure shale gas reservoir is studied. Based on the analysis of the fracturing technology of normal pressure shale gas horizontal wells in the Pengshui block, and by drawing on the successful experience of foreign marine shale gas fracturing, the scale of fracturing transformation, continuous sanding process and interim period have been continuously explored and optimized to improve the complexity of fractures and increase the volume of single section reconstruction to form a large-scale complex fracture network. Good results have been achieved in the current application in well-LY2HF and well-JY10HF of daily gas production of 9.6×104 m3 and 16.7×104 m3 respectively, thus realizing the economic development of normal pressure shale gas.

Key words: normal pressure shale gas reservoir, complex seam net system, fracturing transformation scale, continuous sanding, temporary block steering


  • TE357