

  • 王维恒 ,
  • 郭鑫 ,
  • 张斌 ,
  • 夏巍巍
  • 1.中国石化华东油气分公司石油工程技术研究院,江苏 南京 210019
    2.中国石化华东油气分公司江苏华扬液碳有限责任公司,江苏 泰州 225300

收稿日期: 2023-12-18

  网络出版日期: 2024-10-11



Development and performance evaluation of fracturing-displacement agent(HDFD) for shale oil: A case study of the second member of Funing Formation, Subei Basin

  • WANG Weiheng ,
  • GUO Xin ,
  • ZHANG Bin ,
  • XIA Weiwei
  • 1. Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering Technology, Sinopec East China Oil & Gas Company, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210019, China
    2. Jiangsu Huayang Liquid Carbon Co., Ltd., Sinopec East China Oil & Gas Company, Taizhou, Jiangsu 225300, China

Received date: 2023-12-18

  Online published: 2024-10-11


针对苏北盆地页岩油储层在压裂过程中驱油剂与压裂液不配伍,导致压裂液黏度降低,甚至发生化学反应产生沉淀,严重影响压裂改造效果和生产效率等问题,以马来酸酐(C4H2O3)、聚氧乙烯脂肪醇醚(HO(CH2CH2O)m(CH2nCH3)、阴离子聚丙烯酰胺((C3H5ON)n)和白油等为原料,通过化学合成和物理复配的方法,研制出一种页岩油用压驱一体剂(HDFD)。室内评价了其表观黏度、减阻率、界面张力和驱油效率,并和现场所用的“减阻剂乳液+高温驱油剂”体系进行了对比。实验结果显示:HDFD在2×10-3 kg/L加量下表观黏度介于9~12 mPa·s,减阻率达70%以上,油水界面张力为5×10-3 mN/m,驱油效率提升40%,表明该药剂具有良好的压裂减阻和驱油性能。现场试验的2口井日产油量分别提升了40.6%和84.6%,表明该产品适用于苏北盆地阜宁组二段页岩油压裂工艺,在页岩油压裂驱油一体工艺中具有广阔的应用前景。


王维恒 , 郭鑫 , 张斌 , 夏巍巍 . 页岩油用压驱一体剂的研制及性能评价——以苏北盆地阜宁组二段为例[J]. 油气藏评价与开发, 2024 , 14(5) : 771 -778 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2024.05.013


In the fracturing process of shale oil in Subei Basin, there has been a notable incompatibility between the oil displacement agent and the fracturing fluid. This issue leads to a reduction in the viscosity of the fracturing fluid and can even trigger chemical reactions that result in precipitation, adversely affecting both fracturing efficiency and productivity. To address this, a new fracturing-displacement agent(HDFD) has been developed specifically for shale oil. This agent is composed of maleic anhydride(C4H2O3), polyoxyethylene aliphatic alcohol ether(HO(CH2CH2O)m(CH2nCH3), anionic polyacrylamide((C3H5ON)n), and white oil, produced through chemical synthesis and physical blending methods. In laboratory evaluations, the HDFD displayed an apparent viscosity of 9~12 mPa·s, a drag reduction rate of over 70%, an oil-water interfacial tension of 5×10-3 mN/m, and a 40% increase in oil displacement efficiency at a 2×10-3 kg/L concentration. Compared with the“drag reduction emulsion + high temperature oil displacement agent” system used in the field, these results suggest that HDFD performs exceptionally well in reducing drag in fracturing fluids and enhancing oil displacement. Field tests conducted on two wells using this agent showed a daily oil production increase of 40.6% and 84.6%, respectively. These outcomes confirm that HDFD is effective for use in the shale oil reservoir of the second member in Subei Basin and holds significant promise for future applications in integrated shale oil fracturing and displacement technologies.


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