油气藏评价与开发 ›› 2020, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (2): 24-29.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2020.02.004

• 油气藏评价 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.西南石油大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室,四川 成都 610500
    2.中国石油西南油气田公司川中油气矿,四川 遂宁 629000
    3.中国石油辽河油田分公司勘探开发研究院,辽宁 盘锦 124010
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-10 发布日期:2020-04-28 出版日期:2020-04-26
  • 作者简介:杨兆中(1969—),男,博士,教授,从事低渗透油气藏增产改造与油气藏数值模拟研究。通讯地址:四川省成都市新都区新都大道8号,邮政编码:610500。E-mail:yzzycl@vip.sina.com
  • 基金资助:

Experimental research on growth mechanism of acid wormhole in carbonate matrix

YANG Zhaozhong1,DENG Zhuang2,YU Mengnan3,LI Xiaogang1,HE Rui1,HUANG He2   

  1. 1.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610500, China
    2.Middle Sichuan Oil and gas Gas Field, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company, Suining, Sichuan 629000, China
    3.Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Liaohe Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Panjin, Liaoning 124010, China
  • Received:2019-04-10 Online:2020-04-28 Published:2020-04-26


基质酸化是碳酸盐岩增产改造的重要措施之一,酸蚀蚓孔的形成规律及其影响因素研究是碳酸盐岩基质酸化的基础理论问题。设计了考虑酸液浓度、反应温度以及注酸排量三个影响因素的正交实验方案,并对取自A油田某碳酸盐岩储层的岩心进行酸液驱替实验,以分形维数及多重分形谱宽度为表征参数研究了各因素对酸蚀蚓孔形态的影响规律。优化目标是在获得最大分形维数的同时,尽量保证多重分形谱宽度最小。研究得出,在因素水平取值范围内,最优蚓孔形态对应的实验参数组合为:酸液浓度20 %,温度50~70 ℃,注酸排量2 cm 3/min。各因素对分形维数及多重分形谱宽度影响程度从大到小依次为:注酸排量、酸液浓度及反应温度。设计基质酸化施工参数时应当着重考虑注酸排量的优化。

关键词: 碳酸盐岩, 蚓孔, 驱替实验, X光扫描, 分形


Matrix acidification is one of the important measures for the stimulation of carbonate reservoirs. The studies on its formation regularity and influencing factors of acid wormhole are the basic theories of carbonate matrix acidification. An orthogonal experimental scheme considering three factors of acid injection rate, acid concentration and reaction temperature was designed. Acid displacement experiments were carried out on the cores taken from a carbonate reservoir in oilfield A. The influence of the factors on wormhole shape was studied by fractal dimension and multi-fractal spectrum width used as the target parameters. The optimization goal is to try to ensure the minimum width of multifractal spectrum while obtaining the maximum fractal dimension. The results showed that in the range of factor values, the optimal combination of experimental parameters for wormhole shape was when the acid concentration was 20 %, the temperature was 50~70 °C, and the acid injection rate was 2 cm 3/min. The factors affecting the fractal dimension and multi-fractal spectrum width were in a descending order as: acid injection rate, acid concentration and reaction temperature. Therefore, the optimization of the acid injection displacement should be emphasized in the design of the construction parameters of carbonate matrix acidification.

Key words: carbonate rock, wormhole, core flow test, X-Ray scan, fractal


  • TE357