油气藏评价与开发 ›› 2021, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 72-80.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.01.010

• 页岩气开发 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.中国石化西南油气分公司石油工程技术研究院,四川 德阳 618000
    2.中国石化西南油气分公司勘探开发研究院,四川 成都 610000
    3.中国石化西南油气分公司页岩气项目部,重庆 402160
    4.四川省煤田地质局一四一地质队,四川 德阳 618000
  • 收稿日期:2020-10-26 发布日期:2021-02-04 出版日期:2021-02-26
  • 作者简介:龙章亮(1983—),男,硕士,副研究员,从事油气田钻井地质、工程地质方面的研究。地址:四川省德阳市旌阳区龙泉山北路298号中国石化西南油气分公司石油工程技术研究院,邮政编码:618000。E-mail:76415750@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Application of geomechanics in deep shale gas development in Yongchuan

Long Zhangliang1(),Zhong Jingmin1,Hu Yongzhang1,Wen Zhentao2,Li Hui3,Zeng Xianwei4   

  1. 1. Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Sinopec Southwest China Oil and Gas Company, Deyang, Sichuan 618000, China
    2. Research Institute of Exploration and Production, Sinopec Southwest China Oil and Gas Company, Chengdu, Sichuan 610000, China
    3. Shale Gas Project Department, Sinopec Southwest China Oil and Gas Company, Chongqing 402160, China
    4. No. 141 Geological Team, Sichuan Coal Field Bureau, Deyang, Sichuan 618000, China
  • Received:2020-10-26 Online:2021-02-04 Published:2021-02-26



关键词: 深层页岩气, 地质力学, 工艺调整, 钻井提速, 压裂增产


Yongchuan deep mountain shale gas block is located in Huayingshan fold belt, which is a low anticline group with broom like spreading to the south. The structural folds are strong and the faults are developed. The target layer of Longmaxi Formation has the characteristics of great difference in burial depth, high ground pressure and ground temperature and large difference in horizontal stress, while the crossing layer has strong abrasiveness, easy instability of well wall and poor drillability. The lack of early geological knowledge leads to low drilling time, long construction period and frequent complex situations, and the fracturing effect of multiple wells is not ideal. In order to solve the main problems faced by Yongchuan work area, researches on the geomechanical parameters, such as drillability, hardness, abrasiveness laboratory experiments, drillability profile establishment, formation three pressure prediction, 3D in-situ stress finite element, simulation and fracture propagation simulation under different horizontal stress difference modes, and horizontal well geological engineering double sweet spot prediction, have been conducted respectively. The results show that the formation drillability level is high, the safe drilling fluid density window is narrow, the difference of in-situ stress direction is large, and the formation of hydraulic fracturing network is affected by high stress difference. Based on the research results of geomechanics, the engineering technology has been adjusted. The drilling speed and fracturing production increase effect are obvious, which has reference significance for the development of deep shale gas in South Sichuan.

Key words: deep shale gas, geomechanics, process adjustment, drilling acceleration, fracturing stimulation


  • TE37