油气藏评价与开发 ›› 2021, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (6): 812-822.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.003

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  1. 中国石化胜利油田分公司,山东 东营 257000
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-30 发布日期:2021-12-31 出版日期:2021-12-26
  • 作者简介:张宗檩(1965—),男,博士,高级工程师,本刊第二届编委会委员,主要从事油田勘探开发的研究工作。地址:山东省东营市东营区济南路258号,邮政编码:257000。E-mail: zhangzonglin.Slyt@sinopec.com
  • 基金资助:

CCUS and its application in Shengli Oilfield

ZHANG Zonglin(),LYU Guangzhong,WANG Jie   

  1. Sinopec Shengli Oilfield, Dongying, Shandong 257000, China
  • Received:2021-08-30 Online:2021-12-31 Published:2021-12-26


以CO2排放为核心的气候变化和以石油资源紧缺为核心的能源安全是制约我国社会经济可持续发展的两个重大难题。胜利油田针对CO2捕集和大幅度提高低渗透油藏采收率的技术瓶颈开展攻关研究,形成了CO2捕集、长距离安全输送、油藏工程优化设计、注采工艺设计、地面集输设计和驱油与环境监测等配套技术,建成了工业规模的燃煤电厂烟气CO2捕集、驱油与地下封存全流程示范工程。工业化测试表明,开发的基于新型多氨基CO2捕集溶剂(MSA)的捕集技术比传统的乙醇胺CO2捕集溶剂(MEA)捕集技术成本降低35 %,高89-1区块累计注入液态CO2 31×104 t,累增油8.6×104 t,封存CO2 28×104 t,中心井区已提高采收率9.5 %,预计提高采收率可达到17.2 %。

关键词: CO2减排, CO2捕集, CO2驱油, CO2封存, 提高采收率


Climate change centering on carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions and energy security centering on the shortage of oil resources are two major problems restricting the sustainable development of China's social economy. In order to solve the bottleneck of both the CO2 capture and the great improvement of recovery factor of low permeability reservoir, the related technology researches have been carried out in Shengli Oilfield, forming the supporting technologies such as CO2 capture, safe long-distance transmission, reservoir engineering optimization design, the injection-production process design, design of surface gathering and oil displacement and environmental monitoring, and building an industrial-scale demonstration project for flue gas CO2 capture, oil displacement and underground storage of coal-fired power plants. The industrial tests show that the cost of the new MSA technology is 35 % lower than that of the traditional MEA technology. Over 31×104 t of CO2 have successfully been injected into the reservoir, with the cumulative oil increment of 8.6×104 t, and 28×104 t of CO2 storaged in G89-1 block. The central well area has increased the recovery rate by 9.5 %, and the recovery rate is expected to reach 17.2 %.

Key words: CO2 emissions, CO2 capture, CO2 flooding, CO2 storage, enhance oil recovery(EOR)


  • TE357