油气藏评价与开发 ›› 2022, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (6): 877-885.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.06.006

• 地热开发与利用 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国石油西南油气田分公司蜀南气矿,四川 泸州 646000
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-31 发布日期:2022-12-02 出版日期:2022-12-26
  • 作者简介:胡浩(1987—),男,硕士,工程师,主要从事开发地质学工作。地址:四川省泸州市江阳区百子路蜀南气矿机关楼806室,邮政编码:646000。E-mail:676569615@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Comprehensive potential analysis and development suggestions of old gas fields in Sichuan Basin in the later stage of development: A case from Sinian gas reservoir in W gas field

HU Hao(),ZHOU Hong,LONG Hui,FAN Tianyou,WU Hongbo,WU Ya,WANG Min,YANG Tongshui   

  1. Southern Sichuan Gas District of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company, Luzhou, Sichuan 646000, China
  • Received:2022-03-31 Online:2022-12-02 Published:2022-12-26


四川盆地W气田历经50余年的勘探开发,剩余地质储量大、开发潜力大,然而,气藏整体出水制约了气藏后续有效开发,导致目前采出程度仅为36.6 %。为最大限度地挖潜已开发后期老气田剩余潜力,提高气藏的最终采收率,提出“以水找气,变废为宝”的思路,系统梳理了震旦系气藏的天然气和地层水组分,针对天然气组分进行提氦,地层水提炼贵金属离子,综合利用热能,以此来实现气藏的整体有效动用。研究结果表明:①W气田天然气中氦气含量占0.20 %~0.35 %,是氦气工业开采限值的4~7倍(0.05 %),氦气储量约为0.8×108 m3。氦气资源非常可观,为国内大型富氦气田之一;②气田水中锂、溴等微量元素资源丰富,其中锂含量是工业开采值的2~3倍,溴含量是工业开采值的2~4倍;③气田水温度可达到90 ℃,以5 000 m3/d的产量规模计算,年可利用热量3.47×1011 kJ,节约标煤1.18×104 t。通过对W气田震旦系气藏的综合利用实例分析,结合新能源有效开发与利用,为其他开发后期气田提高采收率及潜力分析提供了新的思路。

关键词: 气田水, 综合潜力, 氦气, 剩余储量, 综合利用, 震旦系


After more than 50 years of exploration and development, W gas field in Sichuan Basin is faced with large remaining geological reserves and great development potential. However, the overall water production of the gas reservoir, the subsequent effective development of the gas reservoir is restricted, resulting in the current recovery degree of only 36.6 %. In order to maximize the remaining potential of the gas reservoir and improve the final recovery of the gas reservoir, Come up with the idea of "looking for gas with water and turning waste into treasure", systematically combs the natural gas and formation water components of Sinian gas reservoir, extract helium for natural gas components, extract precious metal ions from formation water, and comprehensively utilize heat energy, so as to realize the overall effective utilization of gas reservoir. The results show that: ① The helium content of natural gas in W gas field accounts for 0.2 %~0.35 %, which is 4~7 times of the helium industrial production limit (0.05 %), and the helium reserve is about 0.8×108 m3. The scale of helium resources is very considerable. helium resource scale is very considerable, and it is one of the large helium rich gas fields in China. ② The gas field water is rich in lithium, bromine and other trace element resources, in which the lithium content is 2~3 times the industrial exploitation value and the bromine content is 2~4 times that of the industrial exploitation value. ③ The temperature of gas field water can reach 90 ℃, and it is calculated as 5 000 m3/d, the annual available heat is 3.47×1011 kJ, which can be saving 1.18×104 t of standard coal. Through the analysis of comprehensive utilization examples of Sinian gas reservoir in W gas field, combined with the effective development and utilization of new energy, it provides a new idea for the enhanced oil recovery and potential analysis of other gas fields in the later stage of development.

Key words: gas field water, comprehensive potential, helium resources, remaining reserves, comprehensive utilization, Sinian


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