油气藏评价与开发 ›› 2024, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 10-17.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2024.01.002

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  1. 中国石化胜利石油工程有限公司,山东 东营 257000
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-23 发布日期:2024-03-05 出版日期:2024-02-26
  • 作者简介:舒华文(1972—),男,博士,正高级工程师,从事CO2捕集、管输、驱油与封存相关研究。地址:山东省东营市东营区济南路258号,邮政编码:257000。E-mail:shuhuawen.ossl@sinopec.com
  • 基金资助:

Key engineering technologies of one-million-ton CCUS transportation-injection-extraction in Shengli Oilfield

SHU Huawen()   

  1. Sinopec Shengli Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd., Dongying, Shandong 257000, China
  • Received:2023-10-23 Online:2024-03-05 Published:2024-02-26


碳捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)是实现“双碳”目标的重要技术手段,涵盖捕集—输送—注入—采出—回注等关键环节。胜利油田经过多年探索和攻关,形成了输注采系列关键工程技术。针对压损温差带来的CO2相变与长距离泄漏风险,建立了基于相态控制的长距离CO2管道安全输送工艺技术,实现高效经济输送;研发了中国首台套管道输送泵;建成了中国最长的超临界压力CO2长输管道,补齐了国内CO2长距离输送的短板。为满足示范工程大排量CO2高压注入的需要,研发了国内首台套高压密相注入泵,实现了40 MPa高压密闭注入;针对注气压力高、气液比高、泵效低以及CO2腐蚀等问题,形成了免压井安全注气管柱、多功能采油管柱、CO2驱腐蚀防护等注采配套工程工艺技术,实现了高效安全注采和长效腐蚀防护。建成了中国首个集管输工程、注入装备、驱油封存、注采工艺、集输回注为一体的,多领域、多节点的百万吨级CCUS示范工程,目前各环节运行良好,实现“平稳、安全、高效、绿色”运行。对胜利油田百万吨级CCUS输注采工艺及配套装备进行了总结,以期为后续CCUS工程建设提供借鉴和指导。

关键词: 驱油封存, 全链条, 管道输送, 地面工程, 注采工艺, 胜利油田


CCUS technology is a crucial technology for achieving the goal of “dual carbon”, involving process such as capture, transportation, injection, extraction and re-injection. Shengli Oilfield has developed essential engineering technologies for transportation and injection through years of exploration. To manage the phase changes of CO2 and the risks of long-distance leakage due to pressure loss and temperature variations, a safety transportation technology for long-distance CO2 pipelines was established. This technology is based on phase state control, ensuring efficient and cost-effective transportation. developed China’s first casing pipeline transport pump; and built China’s longest long-distance supercritical pressure CO2 pipeline, which makes up for the shortcomings of the long-distance CO2 transport in China. In order to meet the needs of high-pressure injection of large-displacement CO2 in the demonstration project, China’s first high-pressure dense-phase injection pump has been developed, realizing high-pressure dense-phase injection of 40 MPa. In view of the problems of high injection pressure, high gas-to-liquid ratio, low pumping efficiency, and corrosion of CO2, the engineering process technology of injection and extraction supporting such as safe injection of gas pipeline columns for pressure-free wells, multi-functional oil recovery pipeline columns, and corrosion prevention of CO2 repulsion has been formed to realize high-efficiency, safe injection and extraction and long-lasting corrosion protection. China's first multi-field, multi-node, one-million-ton CCUS demonstration project integrating pipeline transport engineering, injection equipment, flooding and sequestration, injection-extraction process, and gathering-transmission and re-injection, has been operating well and realizing “smooth, safe, efficient and green” operation in all aspects. This summary of the one-million-ton CCUS transportation-injection-extraction process and supporting equipment in Shengli Oilfield is intended to provide reference and guidance for the construction of subsequent CCUS project.

Key words: flooding and sequestration, full chain, pipeline transportation, ground engineering, injection-extraction process, Shengli Oilfield


  • TE357