Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2020, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (4): 12-16.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2020.04.002
• CBM Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHOU Dehua1(),LI Qianwen2,CAI Xunyu1,CHEN Gang2
CLC Number:
Dehua ZHOU,Qianwen LI,Xunyu CAI, et al. Resource assessment and exploration potential analysis of CBM in Hongguo Block, western Guizhou[J]. Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2020, 10(4): 12-16.
Table 1
Permeability of CBM from wells in Hongguo area"
试验区 | 井 号 | 煤 层 | 深度/m | 渗透率/10-3 μm2 |
亮山井田 | Q1 | 12煤 | 1 135.8 | 0.006 220 |
18煤 | 1 180.8 | 0.002 897 | ||
24煤 | 1 245.0 | 0.002 380 | ||
Q2 | 12煤 | 1 064.8 | 0.001 000 | |
15煤 | 1 084.0 | 0.009 560 | ||
Q3 | 10煤 | 1 140.6 | 0.027 500 | |
17煤 | 1 170.4 | 0.003 680 | ||
金竹坪井田 | G1 | 7煤 | 560.0 | 0.416 000 |
G2 | 3煤 | 0.017 300 | ||
9煤 | 0.004 400 |
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