About Journal
Basic Information
Governed by: China Petrochemical Corporation
Sponsored by: East China Petroleum Bureau
Editor-in-chief: HE Xipeng
Deputy Editor-in-chief: GAO Yuqiao; CHEN Zuhua; DING Anxu
National Unified Continuous Number: CN 32-1825/TE
International Standard Serial Number: ISSN 2095-1426
Founded in: 2011
Frequency: bimonthly (on 26th each even-number month)
Format: 16-mo
Page number: 160 pages per issue
Website: http://red.magtech.org.cn/
History: In 2010, according to "Guidelines for Journal Reform" by Sinopec, and with approval from the National Press and Publication Administration, three scientific journals, namely,Well Testing and Production Technology (founded in 1979), Oil and Gas Exploration in East China (founded in 1978), andProgress in Geophysics Exploration (founded in 1978), were merged as the Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, which began official publication in 2011.
Amis & scope: The Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development focuses on oilfield scientific development and production to enhance China’s oilfield development technologies and accelerate the growth of oil and natural gas industry. It mainly covers scientific achievements and advanced experiencein domestic reservoir evaluation and development projects. It also highlights advanced technologies, development andtrendsfrom foreign countries with a clear focus.
Key columns: Specialist Forum; Oil and Gas Exploration; Oil and Gas Development; Engineering Techniques; Methods and Theories; Field Applications; Comprehensive Research.
Chinese Scientific Citation Database (CSCD)
A Guide to the Core Journal of China
Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citation Database (CSTPCD)
Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation (RCCSE)
World Journal Clout Index (WJCI) of Scientific and Technological Periodicals
OA Journal Index (OAJ)
Japan Science and Technology Agency, Chinese Bibliographic Database (JST China)
China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)
Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform
Chongqing VIP Information, and Superstar Journals Database
"Top 100 Journals" in the National Petroleum and Chemical Industry (China Chemical Industry Information Association) in 2023
"Top 60 Academic Journals" in the National Petroleum and Chemical Industry (China Chemical Industry Information Association) in 2023
"Top 100 Journals" in the National Petroleum and Chemical Industry (China Chemical Industry Information Association) in 2020
"Top 50 Technology Journals" in the National Petroleum and Chemical Industry (China Chemical Industry Information Association) in 2020
Second Prize of Sinopec Excellent Journal
Address:Room 1401, Building 9, Financial City, 375 Middle Jiangdong Road, Jianye District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China
Postcode: 210019
TEL: 025-66201779,66201780,66201781,66201782
E-mail: 66scjs@vip.sina.com