(The title should be of a modifier-core structure, have a clear meaning. It should be novel, concise, within 25 words.)
author 1, author 21,2, author 31, author 41,2
(1. Unit1, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210094; 2. Unit2, Dalian, Liaoning Province 116023)
Abstract: [An abstract should be independent paragraph, about 300 to 500 words, written in third person. Words like "this”, and "the author" should be avoided. It should be written in accordance with the requirements of informative writing, reflecting the main message of the paper, such as the purpose of the study, application of the theory and technical methods, results and understanding. Four elements, namely, purpose, methods, results, conclusion, are all necessary. All the content provided in the abstract should be included in the paper. In some cases, the main object of the research can include the subject, scope, and other important information. It should not be a simple repetition of the title, the introduction section or the conclusion section. The author should not give self-evaluation in this part, interpreter or comment on the contents of the paper. Any symbols or technical terms that haven’t been acknowledged should be excluded. No citation should be given in this past, unless the paper confirms or denies others’ published papers. An explanation about abbreviations or code should be provided on first appearance. No figure, table or chemical structure should be included in the abstract.]
Keyword: keyword 1; keyword 2; keyword3; keyword 4 (usually 5-6 key words)
(It should be the same as the title in Chinese and capitalized.)
Author 11, Author 21, 2 , Author 31, Author 41, 2
((1. Industrial Chemistry Institute, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing’ Jiangsu. 210094, China;
2. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalia, Liaoning, 116023, China))
Abstract:Content of abstract (The abstract in English should conform to the English grammar and the sentence pattern should be simple. To facilitate international communication and expand international influence, the English abstract should be written in detail and consistent with the Chinese abstract as far as possible.)
Keywords:Keyword1,Keyword2,Keyword3,Keyword4 (Chinese and English keywords are matched one to one)
The text should be concise. The headings of each level should be numbered in successive Arabic numerals; the numbers of different levels should be separated by small dots, and the last number should not be punctuated, such as "1", "1.1", etc. No heading should be included in the introduction section.
1. Level 1 Headings
1.1 Second-level Headings
1.1.1 Three-level Headings
Fig. 1 Figure title in Chinese
Fig. 1 Figure title in English
a. name 1; b. name 2; c. name 3 (legend)
Table 1 Table title in Chinese
Table 2 Table title in English
The description format and examples of various references are as follows:
Monograph: [serial number] author. Title [M]. Edition (not written in the first edition). Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication: page number.
Issue: [serial number] author. Title of paper [J]. Journal title (foreign periodicals can be abbreviated according to international standards and omit the abbreviation point), publication year, volume number (issue number): page number.
Symposium: [serial number] author. [C]// Editor. Title of proceedings. Place of publication: publisher, year: page number.
Scientific report: [serial number] author. Title [R]. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication: page number.
Dissertation: [serial number] author. [D]. Place of preservation: preservation unit, year.
Patent literature: [serial number] patent applicant. Title: Country, Patent Number [P]. Publication Date.