Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2020, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (6): 46-52.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2020.06.007

• Methodological and Theory • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Mechanism of residual oil mobilization after water flooding based on microscopic flow characteristics

YANG Tingbao1(),ZHONG Huiying1(),XIA Huifen1,ZHAO Xin2   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory for Enhanced Oil & Gas Recovery of the Ministry of Education, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang 163318, China
    2.Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Daqing Oilfield of CNPC, Daqing, Heilongjiang 163712, China
  • Received:2020-06-05 Online:2021-01-07 Published:2020-12-26
  • Contact: ZHONG Huiying;


In order to find out the formation mechanism and distribution of residual oil after water flooding and tap the potential of residual oil, a parallel pore micro model has been established based on N-S equation. Phase field method has been used to track the phase interface in the process of water flooding. The distribution characteristics of residual oil after water flooding under different wall wetting conditions have been studied. The residual oil after water flooding has been exploited by mobility ratio improved by polymer flooding, interfacial tension changed by surfactant or wettability inversion occurred. And the effects of different mobility ratio and interfacial tension on the micro flow of residual oil in parallel pores after water flooding have been studied. The results show that when the rock surface is water-wet, the residual oil mainly stays in the large pore channels in parallel pores after water flooding. The polymer flooding improving the mobility ratio can effectively displace the residual oil in the pore channels, entirely. When the rock surface is oil-wet, the residual oil after water flooding mainly stays in the wall of parallel pores and small channels. It is difficult to displace the residual oil in the small pore by improving the mobility ratio. However, after changing wettability by surfactant, the residual oil is stretched into oil droplets and congregated, and finally the residual oil saturation is reduced. The lower the mobility ratio or interfacial tension, the higher the oil displacement efficiency. This study reveals the distribution and displacement mechanism of residual oil in parallel pores after water flooding, and provides an important theoretical basis for the effective exploitation of reservoirs by water flooding.

Key words: phase field, N-S equation, pore scale, wettability, residual oil

CLC Number: 

  • TE357