Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2024, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 529-540.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2024.04.002
• Specilalist Forum • Previous Articles Next Articles
SHU Qinglin1(),WEI Chaoping2,6,YU Tiantian3,5,JI Bingyu4,ZHANG Zhongping3,5,ZHENG Wangang3,5
CLC Number:
Qinglin SHU,Chaoping WEI,Tiantian YU, et al. Development technology progress of heavy oil and establishment and application practice of new classification standard: A case study of development of heavy oil in Shengli Oilfield[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2024, 14(4): 529-540.
Table 1
Classification method for heavy oil in Shengli Oilfield"
分类 | 亚类 | 黏度①/(mPa·s) | 埋深/m | 有效厚度/m | 渗透率/10-3 μm2 | 对应开发技术 | 开发效果 |
1类 | 中高渗厚层普通/特稠油 | ≤10 000 | ≤1 600 | ≥10 | ≥300 | 蒸汽驱 | 技术成熟、经济效益好 |
中高渗薄层普通/特稠油 | ≤3 000 | ≤1 600 | ≥2 | ≥300 | 蒸汽吞吐 | ||
2类 | 高渗特/超稠油 | ≤25 000 | ≤850 | ≥8 | ≥700 | SAGD | 技术成熟、经济效益好 |
3类 | 深层/薄层特超稠油 | ≤50 000 | ≤2 000 | ≥2 | ≥300 | 热化学 | 技术成熟、经济效益较好 |
4类 | 低效难采稠油② | ≤1 500 | ≤2 500 | ≥4 | ≥100 | 非热力 | 技术发展中、经济效益好 |
5类 | 热采后普通稠油 | ≤1 500 | ≤1 000 | ≥3 | ≥100 | 火烧驱油 | 技术发展中、经济效益不高 |
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