Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2024, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (6): 908-917.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2024.06.012
• Comprehensive Research • Previous Articles Next Articles
YUAN Lina1(), WANG Guangtao2, WANG Chengwang2, HOU Rui3, SUN Feng1(
CLC Number:
YUAN Lina,WANG Guangtao,WANG Chengwang, et al. Study on influence of bedding on hydraulic fracture propagation morphologies in Jurassic reservoirs[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2024, 14(6): 908-917.
Table 2
Basic parameters of numerical model"
类型 | 参数/单位 | 数值 |
岩石基质参数 | 弹性模量/GPa | 25 |
泊松比 | 0.25 | |
渗透率/10-3 μm2 | 10.2 | |
抗拉强度/MPa | 1 | |
孔隙比 | 0.1 | |
饱和度 | 1 | |
层理面参数 | 抗拉强度/MPa | 1 |
抗剪强度/MPa | 6 | |
法向断裂能/(Pa·m) | 1 000 | |
切向断裂能/(Pa·m) | 6 000 | |
滤失系数/(m/s) | 1×10-11 | |
应力场参数 | 垂向应力/MPa | 25 |
最大水平应力/MPa | 20 | |
最小水平应力/MPa | 15 | |
注入参数 | 压裂液黏度/(mPa∙s) | 1 |
注入排量/(m3/min) | 6 | |
注入时间/min | 20 |
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