Engineering Process

Simulation of wellbore flow pattern and optimization of flow pattern of simplified horizontal well in Pengshui block

  • Ruiling WEI ,
  • Guangbiao WANG ,
  • Fengling WEI ,
  • Chenglian DUAN ,
  • Jing LIU ,
  • Xiaoding WU
  • 1. Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield Company, Puyang, Henan 457000, China
    2. Petroleum Engineering School, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610500, China

Received date: 2019-07-22

  Online published: 2020-02-04


Accurate judgement of the wellbore flow pattern of water producing horizontal gas wells is the key to predict the wellbore production dynamics and reasonable selection of artificial lift measures. Based on the gas well production data of Pengshui block, a set of visual air-water two-phase flow simulation experimental device with variable deviation angle is designed. And the similarity criterion is used to carry out 150 groups of two-phase flow simulation experiments, including five pipe bevel angles, six gas velocities and five liquid velocities. Finally, four flow types are summarized and the influences of angle, gas velocity and liquid velocity on the convection type are analyzed. Gas velocity has a great influence on flow pattern in vertical and inclined pipe sections. With the decrease of gas velocity, flow pattern shows in turn as annular flow, agitating flow and slug flow. However, the liquid velocity has little effect on the flow pattern of each section. By comparing the experimental flow pattern with the typical flow pattern chart of the reference articals, the two-phase flow pattern chart suitable for the Pengshui block is optimized, that is, AZIZ flow pattern chart of vertical pipe + GOULD flow pattern chart of inclined pipe + GOIVER flow pattern chart of horizontal pipe. The research results can effectively predict wellbore flow pattern changes and provide technical support for the adoption of subsequent artificial lifting process.

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Ruiling WEI , Guangbiao WANG , Fengling WEI , Chenglian DUAN , Jing LIU , Xiaoding WU . Simulation of wellbore flow pattern and optimization of flow pattern of simplified horizontal well in Pengshui block[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2020 , 10(1) : 71 -76 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2020.01.011


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