Engineering Process

Optimization and application of tail pipe suspension device installed on electric submersible pump for super heavy oil

  • Leilei WANG ,
  • Zhiyan LIANG ,
  • Zhenjun QIU ,
  • Lei JIANG ,
  • Zhongwen ZHAO
  • Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Company, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China

Received date: 2020-01-15

  Online published: 2020-04-28


In Tahe ultra-heavy oil block, the rod pump cannot meet the requirements of heavy oil pumping. Through the application of deep pumping electric pump for heavy oil and its coordination with tail pipe suspension, the development of ultra-heavy oil has achieved good results. Up to now, this technology has been used in wells for 187 times. However, due to the limitation of the small casing size, 56 electric pump wells are still not equipped with tail pipe. The average operation life in production is only 337 d, which is far lower than that of wells equipped with tail pipe electric pump, 542 d. Based on the investigation of the casing used in China, the casing with high strength, anti-corrosion and suitable for the development of Tahe oilfield is selected. A kind of aluminum magnesium alloy tail pipe and 139.7 mm casing with 147 mm pitch collar are designed. It can be suspended in both 193.675 mm and 177.8 mm cased wells and has been successfully applied in wells for 13 times in the field. Finally, the mature and reliable suspension technology of tail pipe equiped by electric submersible pump for ultra-heavy oil is formed, and has certain guiding significance for the development of Tahe ultra-heavy oil block

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Leilei WANG , Zhiyan LIANG , Zhenjun QIU , Lei JIANG , Zhongwen ZHAO . Optimization and application of tail pipe suspension device installed on electric submersible pump for super heavy oil[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2020 , 10(2) : 107 -110 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2020.02.018


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