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Drilling and completion of sidetracking horizontal well with small hole casing in Sulige Gas Field

  • Yong Ouyang ,
  • Hanbin Liu ,
  • Mingna Bai ,
  • Zhifeng Duan ,
  • Zhanying Huang
  • 1. Oil and Gas Technology Research Institute, PCOC, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710018, China
    2. State Engineering Laboratory of Exploration and Development in Low-Permeability Oil Field, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710018, China

Received date: 2019-05-30

  Online published: 2021-02-04


Sidetracking horizontal wells can be used to control reserves, digging potentials and longitudinal residual oil and gas reservoirs. The researches at home and broad show that both restart production of long-time shutdown wells and increasing oil and gas production in low production wells need to imply sidetracking horizontal wells. The Sulige Gas Field, located in the Ordos Basin, is a giant gas field with reserves exceeded trillion, and in there an annual production capacity of 249×108 m3 has been built. However, its single well yield is low, the rate of decline is fast, and the number of wells with daily production less than 3 000 m3 accounts for 50 %. To explore side drilling horizontal wells and to improve gas recovery are the technical directions to achieve the steady production, cost reduction and efficiency increase in development of Sulige Gas Field. In view of the difficulties of sidetracking horizontal wells with small holes in the research block, the researches are carried out on safe drilling, completion technology and economic benefit. Twelve sidetracking horizontal wells are tested in site, with an average horizontal segment length of 672 m and an average drilling cycle of 49 d. The initial average daily gas production of a single well after sidetracking was 2.7×104 m3. The practice shows that it is technically feasible for the casing sidetracking horizontal well to improve gas recovery of low production and low efficiency wells in Sulige Gas Field.

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Yong Ouyang , Hanbin Liu , Mingna Bai , Zhifeng Duan , Zhanying Huang . Drilling and completion of sidetracking horizontal well with small hole casing in Sulige Gas Field[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2021 , 11(1) : 129 -134 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.01.018


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