Comprehensive Research

Practice of progressive exploration-development integration in SD Oil Field

  • Guangzhe ZHOU
  • Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Sinopec East China Oil and Gas Company, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210000, China

Received date: 2020-10-26

  Online published: 2021-04-30


SD Oilfield’s progressive exploration and development is getting more and more difficult under low oil price. In order to tap its potential and extend the peripheral trap results, by the means such as: ①fine structural interpretation to identification of low sequence faults, ②strengthen the basic geological researches to deepen the understanding of the main control factors of oil and gas reservoir formation, ③deploy the development and evaluation of wells to improve utilization of single wells, ④combined dynamic and static analyses to rolling expand the oil-bearing area of old area, ⑤comprehensive evaluation of upper and lower layers to reduce the risk of the progressive exploration, two oil-bearing layers and six oil-bearing fault blocks have been added in SD Oilfield during the period from the 12th Five-Year Plan to the 13th Five-Year Plan and the newly added proved reserves are 1 011×104 t, which strongly support the persistent increase of oil production in Sinopec East China Oil and Gas Company and establish the accumulation mode of SD Oilfield. It is clear that the key direction of the progressive exploration are the subsurface reservoir and igneous related reservoir of Daiyi Formation in the future.

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Guangzhe ZHOU . Practice of progressive exploration-development integration in SD Oil Field[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2021 , 11(2) : 261 -268 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.02.018


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