Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development >
2021 , Vol. 11 >Issue 4: 597 - 604
Quantitative analysis on drilling and completion loss factors by all data in Shunbei Oilfield
Received date: 2021-05-08
Online published: 2021-08-19
The analytical method and other qualitative research methods to guide the field leakage prevention and plugging lack of pertinence. Meanwhile, the engineering data used by the quantitative prediction method in the prediction of leakage is incomplete and how to control the leakage quantitatively by adjusting the relevant parameters is not proposed after the loss degree is predicted. In order to solve the above problems, the cocoon stripping algorithm is proposed. Selecting all measurement parameters of 27 of 29 wells in Shunbei Oilfield with average loss rate recorded, and then taking the average loss rate as the objective function, the well depth and drilling and completion fluid density as the independent variables, the multiple linear regression equation is established, and the undetermined coefficients of the equation are solved. Theoretically, T test and F test are used to prove that the equation can meet the requirements of engineering analysis. In practice, the relative error between the calculated value and the actual value of two wells that did not participate in the equation establishment is about 6 %, proving that the equation meets the needs of engineering control. Finally, 17 factors affecting the average loss rate have been screened out by the target equation simplified by the contribution rate method and the cutting element method, among which 10 drilling fluid factors contribute more than 50 %, indicating that a certain average loss rate could be controlled by adjusting the performance of drilling fluid. For the convenience of field control, the performance of drilling fluid is changed by the reading of six-speed viscometer at 300 r/min, so that the main controlling parameters of drilling fluid are reduced to two, which are pH value and the reading of six-speed viscometer at 300 r/min. The minimum average loss is predicted to be 2.3 m3/h through the analysis of the three-element equation. Considering the characteristics of Shunbei block, the leakage in Shunbei oilfield involves geological, engineering, and other operation links is found out through quantitative analysis, and so does the main controlling factors of drilling and completion leakage. By means of cutting elements, contribution rate and other methods, the minimum average leakage rate obtained by controlling the funnel viscosity and the reading of six-speed viscometer at 300 r/min is calculated. In the aspect of guiding the field practice of plugging leakage, it can provide basic data support for the subsequent construction measures to obtain the ideal leak control effect, and provide an optional means for decision-making.
Lihui ZHENG , Yandong XU , Ziyao QIU , Yunpeng GENG , Shengwei DONG , Xumin YANG . Quantitative analysis on drilling and completion loss factors by all data in Shunbei Oilfield[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2021 , 11(4) : 597 -604 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.04.016
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