Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development >
2021 , Vol. 11 >Issue 4: 621 - 627
Evaluation of application effect of an intelligent production assistant decision system for shale gas field
Received date: 2021-03-10
Online published: 2021-08-19
The successful development of shale gas has effectively promoted the optimization of China’s energy structure. However, in terms of shale gas well production rules, reasonable production systems and on-site management, the traditional manual and computer operating mode can no longer meet the needs of simultaneous tracking analysis and fine gas reservoir management. Meanwhile, there is no mature theory, technology and experience for reference at home and abroad. In order to achieve rapid response for abnormal situation and efficient management of gas reservoirs, the development of the production auxiliary decision-making system has been initiated simultaneously during the development of Fuling Shale Gas Field. The early warning research has been carried out from the direction of low pressure, liquid loading, production system changes, etc., and the short-term, mid-term and long-term analysis and the prediction of production decreasing trend of a single well have been carried out either. The management goal to obtain useful information by data mining for decision-making promotion is realized. This system effectively supports the on-site management of the shale gas field and ensured the continued stable production of the shale gas wells in Fuling Shale Gas Field. The intelligent construction and application of shale gas fields pioneered in Fuling Shale Gas Field has laid a good foundation for the refined management of shale gas reservoirs in China, and has important reference value and application prospects.
Lan GE , Xieyang PU . Evaluation of application effect of an intelligent production assistant decision system for shale gas field[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2021 , 11(4) : 621 -627 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.04.019
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