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On philosophy and innovative thinking of oil & gas exploration and development: Commemoration of the first oil well on land in China, Well-Yan1

  • Faqi HE ,
  • Bingwei XU ,
  • Longkan SHAO
  • Sinopec North China Oil and Gas Company, Zhengzhou, Henan 450006, China

Received date: 2021-12-16

  Online published: 2022-05-07


Oil & gas exploration and development is a combination of innovative thinking and practice. Firstly, a geologist should have the concept of oil and gas in his mind. The geologists should constantly emancipate their minds and be full of passion for oil exploration. They should look at the problems in a sight of development, re-recognize themselves, re-recognize the underground, re-recognize the potential of geological-engineering integration, and study the geological situation of oil and gas reservoirs with the continuous development of the understanding. On the basis of re-understanding the exploration discovery of Well-Yan1, the theory of fault-fracture body reservoir is formed by summarizing the exploration and development practice and the field geological investigation of oil and gas reservoirs in Ordos Basin. The continuous innovation of exploration and development theory has realized the continuous breakthrough of exploration and development in Ordos Basin. As the annual oil and gas equivalent has exceeded 80 million tons, Ordos Basin become the first oil and gas bearing basin in China. By summarizing the experiences of Sinopec North China Oil and Gas Company in oil and gas exploration and development in Ordos Basin, it is found that seeking truth from facts is the key to deepen the understanding of oil reservoirs for the breakthrough of oil and gas exploration, the philosophical method of dialectical thinking can obtain new understanding of oil and gas geology at different stages, the fine description of oil and gas reservoirs is the basis for the preparation of development plans, and the integration of geological engineering realize the benefit development of tight oil and gas reservoirs. The object of oil and gas exploration and development will be more complex in Ordos Basin. As a result, the oil and gas exploration should focus on the whole basin to re-recognize the oil and gas reservoirs, and find different types of oil and gas reservoirs by the breakthrough of exploration and development theory.

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Faqi HE , Bingwei XU , Longkan SHAO . On philosophy and innovative thinking of oil & gas exploration and development: Commemoration of the first oil well on land in China, Well-Yan1[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2022 , 12(2) : 265 -273 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.02.001


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