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High precision numerical simulation of thin sandstone reservoir with sufficient bottom water and multiple cyclothem: A case study on lower formation of 9th block of Tahe Oilfield

  • Xueli LIU ,
  • Xiaojie ZHENG ,
  • Lian DOU ,
  • Shuang XIE ,
  • Xiaolong PENG ,
  • Suyang ZHU
  • 1. Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Branch Company, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China
    2. Sinopec Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery for Carbonate fractured-vuggy Reservoirs, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China
    3. State Key Laboratory on Oil & Gas Geology exploration and exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610500, China

Received date: 2021-04-25

  Online published: 2022-05-07


The sufficient bottom water energy and complex rhythmic layer distribution in the lower oil formation reservoir of 9th block of Tahe Oilfield lead to the great difficulties of the conventional numerical simulation technology to characterize the complex bottom water rising regulation and the effect of EOR measures. Taking the lower Triassic oil formation reservoir in 9th block of Tahe Oilfield as an example, the high-precision numerical simulation technology under the background of non up-scaling geological model is introduced. By the early movable water simulation, single diaphragm flow, multiple diaphragm flow and dynamic relative permeability techniques are deployed. Then, the reservoir history matching research is carried out, and the overall production matching degree of the reservoir reaches 95.23 %. At the same time, the high precision numerical simulation technology is used to predict the field rate enhancement and gas injection measures, which is highly consistent with the field production effect. In the process of high-precision numerical simulation, the water breakthrough mode of horizontal well is changed from water ridge in conventional simulation to “water-breakthrough at point” mode. The main controlling factor of flow field is the collaborative control of pressure field and physical parameter field.

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Xueli LIU , Xiaojie ZHENG , Lian DOU , Shuang XIE , Xiaolong PENG , Suyang ZHU . High precision numerical simulation of thin sandstone reservoir with sufficient bottom water and multiple cyclothem: A case study on lower formation of 9th block of Tahe Oilfield[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2022 , 12(2) : 391 -398 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.02.015


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