Geothermal Development and Utilization

Single-connected analytical model analysis of stress field response of geothermal reservoirs induced by staged fracturing

  • Wei WANG ,
  • Shaoying CHEN ,
  • Qingchun YANG ,
  • Heping LIU ,
  • Lisong ZHANG
  • 1. College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum(East China), Qingdao, Shandong 266580, China
    2. China Institute of Building Standard Design & Research, Beijing 100037, China

Received date: 2022-06-30

  Online published: 2022-12-02


The stress field response of the geothermal reservoir induced by staged fracturing will have a direct impact on the wellbore integrity and casing deformation of the geothermal reservoir. Studying the stress field response of the geothermal reservoir induced by staged fracturing is important to guide the field fracturing. significance. At present, fracture mechanics is generally used to solve the stress field response induced by hydraulic fracturing. However, the stress field response of geothermal reservoirs induced by staged fracturing is essentially the problem of stress interference between fractures under the action of heat-fluid-solid coupling, which makes this problem difficult to solve. Fracture mechanics solutions are extremely complex. In view of this, the continuity assumption was introduced to transform this fracture mechanics problem into an elastic mechanics problem, and a single-connected analytical model of the stress field response of geothermal reservoirs induced by staged fracturing was established, which greatly reduced the difficulty of solving, and the stress field response after field fracturing can be analyzed more simply and effectively. Based on ABAQUS, a staged fracturing thermal-fluid-solid coupling numerical model for geothermal reservoirs was established, and the error of the analytical model was verified to be within 5 % by comparing the average stress in the x and y directions. Then, using the analytical model, the effects of cluster number, temperature difference and natural fractures on the stress field of geothermal reservoirs are discussed. The results show that as the number of clusters increases, the stress component in the x-direction increases and the stress component in the y-direction decreases in the geothermal reservoir; as the temperature difference increases, the stress components in the x and y directions in the geothermal reservoir increase accordingly; as the density of natural fractures increases, the stress component in the x-direction increases and the stress component in the y-direction decreases in the geothermal reservoir.

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Wei WANG , Shaoying CHEN , Qingchun YANG , Heping LIU , Lisong ZHANG . Single-connected analytical model analysis of stress field response of geothermal reservoirs induced by staged fracturing[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2022 , 12(6) : 894 -901 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.06.008


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