Field Application

Research progress of distributed optical fiber sensing technology in hydraulic fracturing

  • Cong LU ,
  • Qiuyue LI ,
  • Jianchun GUO
  • State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610500, China

Received date: 2023-08-18

  Online published: 2024-09-10


Distributed optical fiber sensing technology, a cutting-edge method for monitoring hydraulic fracturing, has been successfully applied in various oil fields to enable real-time monitoring, achieving notable results. This paper aims to enhance industry understanding of the basic principles, theoretical model research progress, and field applications of different types of sensing technologies. The discussion begins with the foundational principles of distributed optical fiber temperature sensing and acoustic sensing technologies used in hydraulic fracturing. It systematically reviews the research progress of theoretical models for these technologies and their application in monitoring liquid production profiles and crack propagation morphologies. The paper concludes by suggesting future directions for the development of distributed fiber sensing technology. The findings indicate that: ① Distributed optical fiber sensing technology can convert temperature or acoustic wave signals into data reflecting ambient temperature or strain changes, facilitating real-time monitoring during hydraulic fracturing. ② Maturity of Temperature Sensing Models: Compared to acoustic sensing, the theoretical models for temperature sensing technology are more mature, enabling accurate calculations of liquid production profiles and fracture morphologies. ③ Application in Hydraulic Fracturing: The technology is primarily used to monitor fracturing fluid injection and fracture propagation, crucial aspects of the hydraulic fracturing process. In conclusion, distributed optical fiber sensing technology significantly advances the exploration and development of unconventional reservoirs in China. It enhances hydraulic fracturing effect evaluation techniques, playing a vital role in the sustainable development of the Chinese oil and gas industry.

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Cong LU , Qiuyue LI , Jianchun GUO . Research progress of distributed optical fiber sensing technology in hydraulic fracturing[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2024 , 14(4) : 618 -628 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2024.04.012


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