Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development >
2024 , Vol. 14 >Issue 5: 779 - 787
Strategies and methods of 3D geological multi-level modeling for oilfields: A case study of an integrated oilfield, Gudao Oilfield, in Bohaiwan Basin
Received date: 2023-08-22
Online published: 2024-10-11
3D geological modeling is essential at every stage of oilfield exploration and development. The scale, precision, and requirements of modeling vary depending on the issues at hand. While zonal block geological modeling guides well location deployment and the analysis of well group development and adjustments, the absence of a unified standard for each independent block model hinders the integration of smaller models into larger ones. This limitation affects the overall exploration, development, and planning of the oilfield. To maximize the precision and guiding role of geological modeling throughout the entire lifecycle of an oilfield, this paper uses an integrated oilfield, Gudao Oilfield, in Bohaiwan Basin as a case study. It introduces a multi-stage modeling strategy that progresses from a monolithic oilfield to zonal blocks and finally to reservoir configurations(single sand bodies). These approach using geological modeling software, Direct and M3, with independent intellectual property rights and applying geostatistics and embedded reservoir configuration modeling with geological constraints to realize the transformation from macro to micro, whole to local, and general to detailed, providing an in-depth description of the oilfield’s structural and depositional characteristics, reservoir configurations, and spatial distribution of oil reservoirs. The 3D geological large-scale model and hierarchical model of the first multi-billion grid nodes of the oilfield in China are built. Such detailed modeling aids in deepening geological understanding, evaluating the potential of developed oil reservoirs, and locating remaining reserves, thereby ensuring the oilfield’s sustained and stable production. 3D geological multi-stage modeling technology not only facilitates multidisciplinary communication among petroleum professionals but also serves as a robust foundation for digital oilfield management. It represents an inevitable trend towards the development of digital and intelligent oilfields and offers significant guidance for oilfield exploration and development.
SHU Qinglin , WANG Yanan , HAN Zhiying , YAO Xiutian , XIA Jian , CHEN Yumao , LI Weizhong . Strategies and methods of 3D geological multi-level modeling for oilfields: A case study of an integrated oilfield, Gudao Oilfield, in Bohaiwan Basin[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2024 , 14(5) : 779 -787 . DOI: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2024.05.014
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