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26 June 2021, Volume 11 Issue 3
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  • Specialist Forum
    Geology-engineering integration development direction of Sinopec
    SUN Huanquan,ZHOU Dehua,ZHAO Peirong,LI Wangpeng,FENG Dongjun,GAO Bo
    2021, 11(3):  269-280.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.001
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    With the research and application of the geology-engineering integration technologies, North America has won the victory of shale revolution, and the United States has realized energy independence, playing a dominant role in the global energy market. Its history and experience in shale revolution are the references of great value to the exploration and production of hydrocarbon resources in China. With abundant oil and gas in the exploration areas of Sinopec and various types of favorable targets, accelerating exploration and production is of great significance to improve China's energy structure and ensure national energy security. The application of geology-engineering integration has brought benefit development for the marine shale gas in the Sichuan Basin. In terms of realizing efficient exploration and production of the ultra-deep marine carbonate, tight sandstone and shale, five key studies are suggested to be strengthened: ①fine reservoir description and adaptive fracturing technology of exploration and production for complicated reservoirs, ②ultra-deep carbonate reservoir prediction and optimal drilling technology system, ③application of big data in realizing efficient adjustment and optimize completion program for tight sandstone gas reservoirs, ④development of multi-layer and three-dimensional production technology for marine shale oil and gas, ⑤research on the key problems in the deep, normal-pressure and continental shale oil and gas. To achieve high quality exploration and efficient production of oil and gas, Sinopec will keep strengthening the basic geological research and engineering technology innovation, upgrading technical equipment and following the idea of geology-engineering integration. And then, Sinopec will establish integrated operation coordination mechanism and emphasize integrated management of whole process in order to cut costs and increase efficiency.

    Exploration and development integration practice of subtle reservoir of 3rd member of Funing Formation in western slope of Qintong depression
    LI Donghai,ZAN Ling,HUANG Wenhuan,YU Wenduan,MA Xiaodong,ZHENG Yongwang,ZHOU Tao,YIN Yanling
    2021, 11(3):  281-290.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.002
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    Aiming at the problems that the structural reservoir of the 3rd member of Funing Formation in the shallow layer of the western slope of Qintong depression is not developed and the benefit development of the deep low permeability reservoir is difficult, the sedimentary modeling technology and waveform inversion technology are adopted to deepen the study on the accumulation rule and evaluate the favorable area of the structural lithologic oil reservoir of the 3rsd member of the shallow Funing Formation. The spontaneous potential-waveform inversion technology can clearly describe the sand body of about five meters. Based on the established sedimentation and reservoir forming mode of shallow lake beach bar in the 3rd member of Funing Formation in the western slope of Qintong, Nanhua-Cangji ten-million-ton high quality reserve position has been found by the integrated research, deployment and implementation of exploration and development, and the exploration well success rate is 70 %. The construction and production mode of “decision-making and deployment, geological engineering, organization and operation integration” has been implemented to promote the structure-lithologic reservoir evaluation of the 3rd member of Funing Formation in the western slope of Qintong, and realize the available reserves of 1 003×104 t and the built the production capacity of 17.5×104 t. The break-even point for crude oil has been reduced from $81/bb1 to $46/bb1, enabling efficient exploration and development of concealed reservoirs.

    Stimulation practice of geology-engineering integration fracturing for deep CBM in Yanchuannan Field
    YAO Hongsheng,CHEN Zhenlong,GUO Tao,LI Xin,XIAO Cui,XIE Fei
    2021, 11(3):  291-296.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.003
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    As a new field of unconventional natural gas exploration and development, deep coalbed methane(CBM) has great resource potential, but its benefit development faces great challenges. How to carry out efficient development is a problem needed to be solved at present. In order to achieve stable production and steadily promote the expansion of the gas field, focusing on how to realize the problem of “long fracture and far support” in reservoir reconstruction, Yanchuannan gas field has achieved good results through fracturing optimization and tackling key problems of deep coalbed methane geology-engineering integration. The research shows that: ①Deep CBM has great resource potential with a high gas content of 13~20 m 3/t, but it is difficult to develop and transform the reservoir and the daily production of single well is low, only of 0~500 m3/d; ②According to the underground observation, in the existing active hydraulic fracturing technology, the effective supporting seams mainly distributes within eight meters of the wellbore, and the main fracture extension is generally less than 30 m; ③Deep coal seam fracturing should take the large-scale artificial fracture with long-distance support and high conductivity as the main target to improve the sand adding strength with large displacement, and at the same time develope “low density and long migration” proppant. The average daily gas production of single well is 1 800 m 3. It provides a new idea for the deep CBM development.

    Whole lifecycle geology-engineering integration of volumetric fracturing technology in unconventional reservoir
    JIANG Tingxue,BIAN Xiaobing,ZUO Luo,SHEN Ziqi,LIU Jiankun,WU Chunfang
    2021, 11(3):  297-304.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.004
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    Based on the concept of geology-engineering integration, a systematic research, including theoretical study and field investigation, has been performed on design optimization, implement control and post-frac management of the whole lifecycle of volumetric fracturing technology in unconventional reservoir. The key technologies include: ①the series of pre-frac evaluation technologies regarding geology-engineering double “sweet spots”, double sweetness and comprehensive fracability; ②big data and AI algorithm based “well pattern-fracture-fracturing technique” multi-parameter collaborative optimization technology; ③fracturing control technology based on formation geological properties obtained from inversion study of on-site fracturing operation data; optimization on fracturing fluid flowback scenarios with consideration of imbibition effect; ④comprehensive post-frac evaluation technology; ⑤progressive production management optimization and adjustment technology in effective period of fracturing treatment. Field applications demonstrate that the geology-engineering integration volumetric fracturing technology with consideration of whole lifecycle development can maximize the potential to increase production, stabilize production and improve single well EUR, which has enormous guidance and reference significance towards the achievement of the “Four Improvements” and “Cost Reducing” goals in unconventional reservoir development.

    Integration Evaluation and Development
    Geological characteristics and key technologies for exploration and development of Nanchuan Shale Gas Field in southeast Chongqing
    HE Xipeng,GAO Yuqiao,HE Guisong,ZHANG Peixian,LIU Ming,SUN Bin,WANG Kaiming,ZHOU Di'na,REN Jianhua
    2021, 11(3):  305-316.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.005
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    Nanchuan Shale Gas Field is China's first commercially developed shale gas field dominated by normal pressure shale gas. In order to evaluate the exploration and development prospects of this type of shale gas, the exploration and development history of this area has been reviewed, the geological characteristics of the gas field are analyzed from the aspects such as structure, deposition, reservoir, preservation, in-situ stress, gas reservoir and production characteristics, and finally, the key technologies of exploration and development are summarized. The results show that: ①Nanchuan Shale Gas Field has experienced multi-stage tectonic movement. Its shale gas geological conditions are complex, and there are three structural belts: Pingqiao, Dongsheng and Yangchungou. The characteristics of deposition, reservoir, preservation and in-situ stress are quite different in different tectonic zones, but the shale gas reservoirs are generally with the type of elastic gas drive, mid-deep to deep layer, normal temperature, high pressure to normal pressure and dry gas. ②As for the production, its has the characteristics of high initial test output, high liquid volume, fast decline, medium elastic yield and relatively low single well's EUR. ③Six key technologies of exploration and development have been formed, which are, “sweet spot” target evaluation, reservoir characterization, in-situ stress field prediction, geology-engineering integration design of horizontal wells, development technology policy and low-cost engineering technology. ④The discovery of Nanchuan shale gas field brings four inspiration: firstly, firming exploration confidence is the foundation of exploration breakthrough; secondly, deepening basic geological research is the core of breakthrough; thirdly, innovative technological practice is the key to benefit development; fourthly, the implementation of the integration model is the guarantee of improving quality and efficiency.

    Implementations of star evaluation management model in complex high water-cut gas field during its integrated development of geological engineering
    LIU Xiaobo,ZHOU Yongyi,WANG Zhi,LEI Tao,WANG Xiang,YOU Qidong,CAO Tongsheng,CHEN Kui,LIU Tao,YU Yaonan
    2021, 11(3):  317-328.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.006
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    Poor reserve quality, high water-cut and high investment cost have become the bottleneck of developing Dongsheng Gas Field located in Ordos Basin. In this way, the star evaluation management model is put forward to enhance its production performance. It is aiming at maximizing reserve value and investment benefits through geology-engineering integration. In the process of its implementation, the well locations, well patterns, drilling, fracturing and production technologies are optimized comprehensively, then the optimizedinformation is employed to improve and instruct future planning, thus the iterative improvement is achieved from single well to the whole gas field. Finally, the internal rate of return is calculated to determine the implementation sequence for each well. On the base of intelligent gas field construction, the above achievements are reinforced by organically combining downhole management with ground coping facilities, then the higher level of integrated development of geological engineering is realized. The following main results have been achieved: ①The detailed reservoir description and evaluation methods are formed for complicated high water-cut reservoir, and the gas layer penetrating rate raises by 20.8 %. ②Hierarchical constraints system for well network optimization is established, and the reserve production rate increases by 28 %. ③The drilling technology with both borehole stability and leakage prevention being considered is innovated through the combination of logging and seismic technology, and a completion string with slim hole and narrow gap is optimized to cater its demand. After optimization, the drilling cycle is shorten by 51 %, and investment cut by 31 %. ④The “large displacement, short time and high sand ratio” fracturing method is implemented, with the vertical well output increased by 56 %, and horizontal well 39 %. ⑤The “multi-parameter quantitative identification, coupling of nozzle and pipe flow, foam drainage and gas recovery system and production and injection technology in the same well” is combined together to lower the utilization limit of gas saturation to 45 %. Ever since the 13th Five-Year Plan, the production indicators of Dongsheng Gas Field are continuously improved. Moreover, a quantitative, operative and evaluable geology-engineering integration development model, with actual value of promotion, is formed.

    Geology-engineering integration mode of ultra-deep fault-karst reservoir in Shunbei area, Tarim Basin
    TANG Lei,WANG Jianfeng,CAO Jinghua,YANG Min,LI Shuanggui
    2021, 11(3):  329-339.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.007
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    The exploration and development practice in Shunbei area of Tarim Basin shows that oil and gas resource there is rich. However, the reservoir is deeply buried, the degree of oil and gas enrichment varies greatly, the reservoir type is very complex, and the overlying strata has the engineering problems such as easy leakage and collapse. All these problems above bring great challenges to the efficient development in this region. In order to expand the scale of oil and gas and realize the efficient development, the exploration in organizational management and work model has been carried out. The main practices and corresponding technologies of key links such as management mode, well position demonstration, well type design, safe drilling and effective well completion have been initially formed. The research will give reference for development of the ultra-deep fault- karst reservoirs in this area and similar reservoirs.

    Optimization of deep shale gas well spacing based on geology-engineering integration: A case study of Weirong Shale Gas Field
    ZHAO Yong,LI Nanying,YANG Jian,CHENG Shisheng
    2021, 11(3):  340-347.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.008
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    The design of shale gas well spacing is the key to the technical policy of gas field development, which is related to the maximum utilization of resources. Well spacing design is closely related to geological characteristics and fracturing technology. The well spacing of Weirong Shale Gas Field designed at the initial development stage is 400 m. With the transformation of the fracturing technology of the main body of productivity construction from “controlling the fracture propagation and making longer hydraulic fractures” to “intensive perforating”, microseismic monitoring, fracturing simulation and dynamic analysis all reflect that the reserves between production and construction wells are still not fully utilized, and the existing well spacing needs to be further optimized. In order to further improve the reserve production and recovery degree of the gas field, and realize the beneficial development of gas reservoirs, the integrated technical method of geological modeling and numerical simulation is adopted to carry out the studies on single well numerical simulation with different fracturing technology. It is clear that the difference in the production status of single well reserves is caused by the fracturing process. On the basis of the researches of the single wells, the numerical simulation model of well groups under “intensive perforating” technology is established, and the development well spacing is optimized by combining technical and economic indexes. The study shows that under the current technological and economic conditions, it is recommended that the optimal well spacing in Weirong Gas Field could be adjusted from 400 m to 300 m, and the recovery degree can be increased from 22 % to 28 % at the end of 20 years.

    Application effect of full-electric fracturing equipment and technology for normal pressure shale gas
    YANG Huaicheng,XIA Sujiang,GAO Qiguo,MAO Guoyang
    2021, 11(3):  348-355.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.009
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    With the expansion of domestic shale gas development demand and production capacity, the all-electric fracturing equipment and technology has become the recommended application technology for normal pressure shale gas fracturing engineering due to the low efficiency of conventional fracturing equipment, large environmental pollution and insufficient water power guarantee in the domestic market. This paper focuses on analyzing the demonstration application effect of all-electric fracturing technology in atmospheric shale gas resource block, demonstrating its advantages in shale gas benefit development and green and low-carbon development. Results show that the all-electric fracturing all-electric case can achieve stable high load, high reliable and continuous construction of the large displacement, high construction efficiency, The comprehensive costs of construction equipment, power, labor and maintenance, etc., fell by more than 40 %, pollution emissions by 70 %, the effective control of noise at boundary of atmospheric pressure shale gas can effectively help realize benefit the development and construction of green mining enterprises of the forehead.

    Main progress and development direction of shale gas drilling and completion technologies in southeastern Chongqing
    WANG Yanqi,HE Qing,LONG Zhiping
    2021, 11(3):  356-364.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.010
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    Southeastern Chongqing is the first area to realize commercial development of shale gas in China. According to the main development progress of drilling and completion technologies in this area, 10 key technologies are summarized, which are, casing program optimization, severe loss control in shallow layers, low-cost managed pressure drilling, well trajectory control based on geology-engineering integration, bit selection, oil-based drilling fluid with low oil-water ratio, ROP enhancement through drilling parameter optimization, cementing technology for leakage wells, completion technology for preventing trapped pressure in annulus, and factory-like drilling technology. In order to make up for the deficiency in drilling and completion technologies, six directions of further research are proposed, which are, drilling equipment automation, drilling parameter enhancement, water-based drilling fluid, complex situation treatment, small hole drilling and completion, and shale gas drilling with long horizontal section, which aim to improve the drilling and completion technologies and the exploration and development profits in southeastern Chongqing.

    Key technical progress in efficient development of Nanchuan normal-pressure shale gas field
    ZHANG Guorong,WANG Junfang,ZHANG Longfu,CHEN Shikui
    2021, 11(3):  365-376.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.011
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    In order to solve the problems existing in the development of Nanchuan Shale Gas Field, such as complex geological conditions, drilling leakage collapse, unsatisfactory fracturing effect and lack of effective artificial lifting, the optimization, integration and improvement of development technologies have been completed through in-depth research on drilling and completion technology, fracturing technology and gas production technology, and integration development technologies such as high-efficiency drilling and completion technology, high-efficiency fracturing technology and shale gas well drainage and gas production technology have been formed. Among them, the high-efficiency drilling and completion technology of normal-pressure shale gas mainly includes wellbore structure optimization, bit and screw integrated speed-up technology, limit parameter drilling technology and high-efficiency completion technology; high-efficiency fracturing technology mainly includes integrated all-electric pump fracturing technology, integrated sliding sleeve completion fracturing technology, combined temporary plugging steering technology, etc.; the applicable drainage and gas recovery technology of normal pressure shale gas well mainly includes two processes: single pipe jet pumping and mechanical pumping. Through the popularization and application of the above technologies, Nanchuan Block has formed a complete series of high-efficiency development technologies for normal-pressure shale gas fields in different areas and different well depths has been formed in Nanchuan Block, which has promoted the development of normal-pressure shale gas fields with reduced costs and increased efficiency.

    Practice of geology-engineering integration development of Shuaiduo Oilfield with complex fault in Subei Basin
    TANG Jianxin,QIAN Kun,TANG Renxuan
    2021, 11(3):  377-383.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.012
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    The reservoir of the Ed1 in Shuaiduo Oilfield in Subei Basin is a complex fault block reservoir with medium and high permeability. Both natural water and artifical water are used in the water flooding here. After put into production, some wells have high initial production, and rapid rise in water cut. The injected water bursts in one direction, and the difference in water absorption between layers is large. Some injection and production well groups on the plane have no response. The contradictions between the layers and the plane development are prominent. In view of the development contradictions of different fault blocks and oil layers, the concept of geology-engineering integration has been introduced to strengthen the basic geological research, re-understand and implement the main structure, and then, formulate and implement intensification adjustment plans. The study of micro structure and remaining oil distribution is strengthened, and the injection-production well pattern is improved for the high water-cut fault blocks. At the same time, the research and application of a series of supporting technology such as water blocking and layered water injection suitable for Shuaiduo reservoir are also carried out. Due to the development and adjustment in recent years, the production of the oilfield keeps increasing and is stable. The annual output is above 6×104 t for eight consecutive years, the average annual output is 8.8×104 t, the oil recovery rate is 2.2 %, the average water cut rise rate is 2.33 %, the reserve controlled by water flooding reaches 366.2×104 t, the degree of water drive control is 86.7 %, the reserve for water drive is 363×104 t, and the degree of water drive is 86 %. The practical experience of the concept of geology-engineering integration in tapping the potential of remaining oil in the Shuiduo Oilfield has a good reference significance for other similar oil reservoirs.

    New technology of dewatering gas recovery for CBM wells in southern Yanchuan Block, eastern margin of Ordos Basin
    JIANG Yongping,YANG Song
    2021, 11(3):  384-389.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.013
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    As a typical unconventional gas reservoir with low pressure, permeability and water cut, deep coalbed methane needs effective support fracturing to achieve good development effects, leading to large difference of liquid production in the whole life cycle of gas wells. Based on the comparison of coalbed methane recovery effect of different well types in Yanchuan South coalbed methane exploration and development block, it is considered that although the L-shaped horizontal well has the construction cost similar to that of three directional wells, but its production is higher and post-operation and maintenance cost is lower. It is more suitable for coalbed methane development in mountainous areas. By comparing the characteristics of different lifting processes, the combination of pumping unit and forced closed spring inclined well pump is optimized, and the drainage and gas recovery in the whole life cycle of L-shaped horizontal well is realized. In the gas wells with low liquid production, the technology of water drainage gas recovery has achieved good stimulation effects in the gas wells with small deviation, and high influence of liquid accumulation and pulverized coal. The existing mechanical production equipments can realize the efficient utilization of assets, save the cost of purchased materials, reduce the energy consumption index, and provide referential significance for the further drainage gas production in low liquid production wells.

    Pilot test of new infinite stage and full-bore sliding sleeve fracturing technology in shale gas wells
    XIA Haibang,BAO Kai,WANG Rui
    2021, 11(3):  390-394.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.014
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    Staged fracturing for horizontal wells is one of the key technologies for shale gas development. As the shale gas development in China extends to normal pressure fields, it is urgent to enhance the speed and efficiency of fracturing technology. The existing plug and perf operation technology has many limitations, including long duration of pumping, easiness to stuck tools, limited number of fracturing stages for ball-actuated sliding sleeves, and limited fracturing scale for packers dragged by coiled tubing. For the new infinite stage and full-bore sliding sleeve fracturing technology, the structure principle of the sliding sleeve as well as its technological characteristics are explained, and a pilot test has been carried out in 16 fracturing stages of two wells in Nanchuan Shale Gas Field. This technology replaces perforation and coiled tubing drilling plugs by preset sliding sleeves. All the sliding sleeves are opened successfully. The number of fracturing stages is unlimited and the operation is continuous. The average time of single stage fracturing is 3.5 h and it can finish seven fracturing stages per day. As a fast, safe and efficient staged fracturing technology, it provides a new technical means for enhancing speed and efficiency of fracturing technology for shale gas wells in China.

    Formation damage mechanism and protection measures for gas field storage
    YOU Lijun,MENG Sen,KANG Yili,CHEN Mingjun,SHAO Jiaxin
    2021, 11(3):  395-403.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.015
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    The gas storage, with complex engineering geological conditions, has the characteristics of low formation pressure, alternating load and high intensity injection-recovery. The process of drilling, completion and injection-recovery can easily induce the formation damage, which seriously restricts the high efficient construction and injection-recovery efficiency of gas storage, and brings great challenges to the stable and safe gas supply of gas storage. Based on the analysis of the engineering geological characteristics of the gas storage, and combined with the actual formation damage control cases, the formation damage mechanism of the gas storage in the process of drilling, completion and injection-recovery has been revealed, and the technical countermeasures for the formation damage control of the gas storage has been put forward. The loss of drilling and completion fluid in gas formation is easy to induce solid invasion, fluid sensitivity, stress sensitivity and other damages, and the multi cycle strong injection-recovery is easy to induce stress sensitivity, particle migration, sand production and other damages. Formation damage control of gas storage requires strategic planning in advance, strengthening the concept of system engineering, upgrading and improving the whole life cycle reservoir protection and its supporting technology. Not only the construction and operation stage of gas storage, but also the development stage of gas field should be considered in the formation damage prediction, diagnosis, control and relief technology. Gas storage geology-engineering integration technology based on drilling and completion and multi cycle injection-recovery process should be researched and developed as soon as possible.

    Economic decision of shale reservoir based on numerical simulation and integration of reservoir development and management
    WU Haoqiang,PENG Xiaolong,ZHU Suyang,TANG Jiehong,WANG Chaowen,DENG Peng
    2021, 11(3):  404-413.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.016
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    In the early stage of shale oil development, the investment is large and the recovery factor is low, bringing great risk of economic loss. Therefore, it is necessary to combine different development methods to study its economic decision. To this end, based on the idea of the integration of numerical simulation method and reservoir development and management, firstly, the economic decision-making system and oil price index prediction are established, and then a series of new methods for the selection of development mode at different stages and different oil prices are improved through the combination and optimization of various numerical simulation schemes. Taking the shale oil of Kong-2 Member in Cangdong Sag of Dagang Oilfield as an example, different overall development program indexes are predicted. Finally, based on the idea of reservoir development and management integration, the suitable development programs for different international oil prices are selected. By comparing the changes of the cumulative net present value of the single production plan and the combined production plan, it is found that the single production method with higher recovery factor is not necessarily the economic optimal plan. Finally, the most economical development plan with different oil price ranges is obtained, and a set of optimal method for the economic and efficient development plan of shale reservoir is formed.

    Comprehensive Research
    Advance in application of molecular dynamics simulation in polymer flooding
    XU Jianping,YUAN Yuanda,XIE Qing,WEI Xuegang,FENG Zhen
    2021, 11(3):  414-421.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.017
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    Traditionally, laboratory testing and measurement are considered to be the most reliable characterization methods. However, in many cases, due to the unclear understanding of the sensitivity to the range of reservoir properties and local changes of heterogeneous reservoir properties, and based on the oversimplified assumptions, the feature prediction obtained by this deterministic strategy is highly uncertain. In recent years, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation has received extensive attention in the study of reservoir rock, fluid properties and their interactions, as well as at the atomic level. In MD simulation, interesting properties are extracted from the time evolution analysis of atomic position and velocity through the numerical solution of Newton's equations for all atomic motions in the system. This technology can help to carry out the computer experiments which can be used to do the experiments that may not be able to complete, with high cost or very dangerous. In this paper, we review the MD simulation technology and its application in the study of oil displacement mechanism and properties of oil displacement agent, and expounds the theoretical concept and program of MD, especially in the analysis of polymer flooding. It will provide useful guidelines to characterize reservoir rocks and fluids and their behaviors in various reservoirs, help to better optimize the operation of design and production plan, and provide a theoretical basis for the development of polymer flooding technology in oilfields.

    Influence of engineering parameters on production of horizontal shale gas wells in southern Pingqiao Block, Sichuan Basin
    WU Tian
    2021, 11(3):  422-427.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.018
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    Large scale hydraulic fracturing of horizontal wells is one of the key technologies to realize the effective development of shale gas. The progress of engineering technology provides better conditions for large-scale fracturing of shale gas wells. In recent years, large-scale shale gas horizontal well fracturing has been carried out in southern Pingqiao Block by Sinopec East China Oil and Gas Company, but the correlation between horizontal well engineering parameters and production is not clear. Based on the engineering parameters and gas well production of 31 fractured wells in southern Pingqiao, their sensitivity analysis are carried out by linear regression of the field data. The results show that the drilling encounter rate of long horizontal section and high-quality shale “sweet spot” is the basis for achieving high production of gas wells. With the decrease of fracturing cluster number and fluid strength and the increase of sand strength, the gas well production shows an increasing trend, but the increase of gas well production slows down when the fracturing operation parameters reach a certain extent. Based on the above understanding, the optimal fracturing scale parameters of southern Pingqiao Block are preliminarily defined, which provides the basis for the further parameter optimization and development plan adjustment, and lays the foundation for the effective fracturing and development of shale gas wells in the adjacent areas of southern Pingqiao Block.

    Identification of fluid type and fine characterization of oil-water contact for an oil reservoir with strong vertical heterogeneity
    CHEN Mingjiang,LIU Junhai,CHENG Liang
    2021, 11(3):  428-436.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.019
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    K oil reservoir, in Oilfield-A, Iraq, is a typical porous carbonate reservoir. It is characterized by complex pore structure, wide range of resistivity and complex oil-water contact(OWC). In order to establish the reliable criteria for fluid typing and ascertain the OWC, firstly, the study of pore structure has been taken as a starting point, and the relationship between resistivity and elevation has been taken an insight into. Then a new criteria for fluid typing and OWC for each sub zone have been established by incorporating well testing and production dynamics. Lastly, the lateral variation of OWC and its genesis is analyzed based on structural evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation history. The results are as follows. ①Pore structure of the K oil reservoir shows strong longitudinal stratification characteristics, and the amount of mold pores and interparticle pores as well as effective pore-throat radius increases upwards. ②Vertical variation in pore structure is the main controlling factor of the identification criteria for oil and water layers and OWC variations for each sub layer. The layers dominated by micropores have small pore-throats radius, high displacement pressure, high OWC and low reservoir resistivity threshold, while the layers dominated by interparticle pores and mold pores are the opposite. ③The OWC is curved laterally, and slopes eastward along the long axis of the structure in the same small layer. Along the short axis of the structure, the contact is arched, that is the north and south margin is lower than the structure crest, and the lowest contact is in the northeast margin. ④The determination of the curved OWC has been verified by the reservoir interpretation of 85 vertical wells and the production dynamics of more than 260 horizontal wells. This study provides not only an effective solution for water control and stabilizing oil production but also a guideline for further optimization of field development plan and trajectory adjustment of horizontal wells.

    Development and application of predispersed instant guar gum
    GAO Yongmei,WANG Weiheng,XIA Weiwei,LIU Hao,ZHANG Bin
    2021, 11(3):  437-442.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.020
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    In order to save the fracturing time and cost, and realize consecutive fracturing, a kind of predispersed instant guar gum(PGW), which can be used for successive fracturing, has been developed by the optimization of dispersion system, surfactant and other materials. The comprehensive properties have been evaluated by the experiment of concentration ratio, dissolved time, crosslinking performance, gel breaking performance, heat and shear resistance, etc. The experiment results indicate that the concentration ratio of guanidine gum powder can be more than 50 %, there is no obvious stratification in 30 days, the viscosity can meet the requirements of the system after hydration for 5 minutes and the product has good performance of cross-linking, heat resistance and shear resistance. The fracturing tests of twelve horizontal shale gas wells have been successfully carried out in south Pingqiao block of Fuling Shale Gas Field. The product performance can meet the requirements of field fracturing and realize the successive fracturing, and the price of fracturing fluid has been reduced by 32.7 %, and the purpose of cost reduction and efficiency increase has been realized.

    Characteristics of shale reservoir in new strata of Qiongzhusi Formation in southern Sichuan
    WANG Tong,XIONG Liang,DONG Xiaoxia,XIANG Keman,ZHOU Hua,ZHONG Wenjun,LUO Haijin,GUO Weixing,ZHOU Jing
    2021, 11(3):  443-451.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.021
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    The lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in southern Sichuan is one of the important strata for marine shale gas exploration. In the early stage, the exploration of black shale in Qiongzhusi Formation has achieved certain results, but the thin thickness of black shale restricts the breakthrough of commercial productivity. Silt-shale of Qiongzhusi Formation's gas logging shows high. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the systematic research of this new type of shale reservoir and widen the exploration field of unconventional shale gas. Based on the experimental data such asTOC, X-ray diffraction, thin section, SEM, Helium porosity, pulse permeability, Nitrogen adsorption, and mercury intrusion porosimetry, the studies of the geochemical characteristics, petrological characteristics, reservoir space types, physical properties and pore structure of this new type of reservoir have been carried out. The study shows that the new type of shale reservoir is mainly composed of silty shale, which has the property of low TOC, high brittleness, high porosity, good pore connectivity and high gas bearing. The main types of reservoir space are brittle mineral intergranular pores, carbonate minerals and feldspar dissolution intrapores, with only a small amount of organic pores. The support of silty brittle minerals is the key factor for pore preservation. It is generally considered that the new strata of shale reservoirs in Qiongzhusi Formation of southern Sichuan have good reservoir conditions for shale gas exploration.

    Development and reservoir adaptability evaluation of a high temperature resistant plugging agent: tannin extract
    LIU Gang,WANG Junheng,WANG Danling,YAN Yonghe,JIANG Xuefeng,WANG Qian
    2021, 11(3):  452-458.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.022
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    There are several problems in the high temperature resistant plugging agent used in steam flooding of heavy oil reservoirs to control steam channeling, such as low strength and poor long-term stability. So, it is urgent to develop a new type of high temperature resistant plugging agent to promote on-site application. In order to solve the technical problems caused by strong inter-layer heterogeneity of the heavy oil reservoirs in District 9-6 of Qigu Formation in Xinjiang Oilfield, including severe steam channeling and poor foam flooding effects, a plugging agent system suitable for high temperature reservoirs and composed of sulfonated tannin extract, cross-linking agent and accelerant has been developed. By the static evaluation experiment, it is found that the optimized formula of the plugging agent is as follows: 0.6 % sulfonated tannin extract + (2.0 % ~ 2.5 %) aldehyde cross-linking agent Ⅰ +(1.0 % ~ 2.0 %) phenol cross-linking agent Ⅱ +(0.05 % ~ 0.06 %) accelerant. The evaluation of reservoir adaptability shows that the strength of the plugging agent remains above level H after 30 days of aging at the reservoir temperature, and the plugging efficiency is above 94 %. It has laid a foundation for the field application of steam channeling control technologies in the heavy oil reservoirs of District 9-6 of Qigu Formation in Karamay Oilfield.

    Stimulation mechanism of self suspension proppant in sand-carrying fracturing by water
    HUANG Bo,LEI Lin,TANG Wenjia,XU Ningwei,XIONG Wei
    2021, 11(3):  459-464.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.023
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    At present, the research at home and abroad of self-suspension proppant, a new type of proppant, is mainly focus on indoor preparation and field application, but the study of its stimulation mechanism is less. In this paper, the solubility and swelling of self suspension proppant have been evaluated by the theoretical analysis of its suspension performance. Based on the physical simulation and numerical simulation, the dynamic flow mechanism of fluid mixed with sand has been studied, its flow conductivity has been evaluated and the influencing factors have been analyzed. The results show that the density of aggregate, multiple of swelling and viscosity of liquid after hydration are the main factors that affect the settling speed and the realization of self-suspension. Compared with the ordinary proppant, it has longer laying distance and more balanced longitudinal laying mode, and is beneficial to improve the conductivity of fracturing fractures. It has been applied in Qintong sag in Subei Basin twice. Compared with that of conventional guar gum fracturing, the daily production of single well can be increased by more than two times, which shows that the self suspension proppant in sand-carrying fracturing by water can effectively improve the productivity of the fractured wells.

    Influence of different oil saturation on fire flooding
    WANG Weiwei
    2021, 11(3):  465-468.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.024
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    In view of the unclear influence of different oil saturation on the process and effect of fire flooding, the feasibility of fire flooding under different oil saturation was explored by using one-dimensional physical model device of fire flooding, and the experimental study on the influence of different oil saturation on gas injection adjustment and production effect of fire flooding was carried out. The experimental results show that the high temperature combustion can be realized when the oil saturation is above 15 %, but at this time, all the crude oil is converted into fuel for combustion. In the process of fire flooding, the greater the oil saturation is, the greater the oil wall is, and the greater the migration resistance is. It is necessary to continuously improve the gas injection speed to increase the driving force, resulting in the increase of model pressure with the increase of gas injection speed. With the increase of oil saturation, the displacement efficiency increases and the gas oil ratio decreases, indicating that the better the production effect is.