Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2023, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (6): 765-772.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2023.06.007

• Geothermal Energy Development and Utilization • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Well completion technology optimization and application effect analysis of medium-deep sandstone reinjection wells: A case study of Minghuazhen Formation in Tianjin

ZHAO Yanting(),SHEN Jian,ZHAO Sumin,WEN Shuang,ZHANG Sen   

  1. Tianjin Geothermal Exploration and Development Design Institute, Tianjin 300250, China
  • Received:2023-01-31 Online:2024-01-03 Published:2023-12-26


The Minghuazhen Formation in the Cangxian Uplift of Tianjin presents a unique challenge for geothermal resource development due to its sandstone reservoirs. These reservoirs are characterized by high shale content, suboptimal lithology, loosely cemented structures, and a tendency for sand flow, all of which complicate the process of reinjecting water back into the reservoir. This difficulty in reinjection poses a significant obstacle to the sustainable development of geothermal resources in the area. The existing well completion technology, which involves filter pipe gravel filling, is beneficial in maintaining the stability of the formation and facilitating water flow. However, improvements are needed in several aspects, including drilling diameter, drilling fluid composition, drilling assembly, and well washing processes, to enhance the effectiveness of reinjection. An optimized large-diameter gravel filling well completion technology has been developed to address these issues. This technology not only preserves the original sand retention and support functions but also increases the well completion diameter, thereby enlarging the flow area of the geothermal wells. Further, by optimizing the drilling fluid formula and drilling assembly, the contamination of the reservoir is minimized. Additionally, a combined well washing technique implemented after drilling operations helps remove plugging components from the formation, aiding in unclogging the permeation channels. Three groups of reinjection tests were carried out on two reinjection wells in Minghuazhen Formation, which were constructed by the new well completion technology. The maximum reinjection rates in the tests were 32.0 m3/h and 58.0 m3/h. Compared with the reinjection wells in the same layer, the reinjection volume increased by 3.48 times and more than 2.00 times respectively, which proved that the optimized gravel filling well completion technology of large-diameter filter pipe improved the reinjection effect effectively.

Key words: Minghuazhen Formation, sandstone reservoir, geothermal reinjection, large diameter gravel, well completion technology

CLC Number: 

  • TE24