Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2021, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (3): 377-383.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.03.012

• Integration Evaluation and Development • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Practice of geology-engineering integration development of Shuaiduo Oilfield with complex fault in Subei Basin

TANG Jianxin(),QIAN Kun,TANG Renxuan   

  1. Taizhou Oil Production Plant, Sinopec East China Oil and Gas Company, Taizhou, Jiangsu 225300, China
  • Received:2021-01-11 Online:2021-06-24 Published:2021-06-22


The reservoir of the Ed1 in Shuaiduo Oilfield in Subei Basin is a complex fault block reservoir with medium and high permeability. Both natural water and artifical water are used in the water flooding here. After put into production, some wells have high initial production, and rapid rise in water cut. The injected water bursts in one direction, and the difference in water absorption between layers is large. Some injection and production well groups on the plane have no response. The contradictions between the layers and the plane development are prominent. In view of the development contradictions of different fault blocks and oil layers, the concept of geology-engineering integration has been introduced to strengthen the basic geological research, re-understand and implement the main structure, and then, formulate and implement intensification adjustment plans. The study of micro structure and remaining oil distribution is strengthened, and the injection-production well pattern is improved for the high water-cut fault blocks. At the same time, the research and application of a series of supporting technology such as water blocking and layered water injection suitable for Shuaiduo reservoir are also carried out. Due to the development and adjustment in recent years, the production of the oilfield keeps increasing and is stable. The annual output is above 6×104 t for eight consecutive years, the average annual output is 8.8×104 t, the oil recovery rate is 2.2 %, the average water cut rise rate is 2.33 %, the reserve controlled by water flooding reaches 366.2×104 t, the degree of water drive control is 86.7 %, the reserve for water drive is 363×104 t, and the degree of water drive is 86 %. The practical experience of the concept of geology-engineering integration in tapping the potential of remaining oil in the Shuiduo Oilfield has a good reference significance for other similar oil reservoirs.

Key words: complex fault, geology-engineering integration, residual oil, in-depth profile modification and flooding, Shuaiduo Oilfield, Subei Basin

CLC Number: 

  • TE313