Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2021, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (6): 871-877.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.011
• Field Application • Previous Articles Next Articles
SHI Leiting1(),ZHANG Yulong1,YE Zhongbin1,3,ZHANG Jing2,WANG Yingwei2,WANG Ruiqi1,WU Sitong1
CLC Number:
Leiting SHI,Yulong ZHANG,Zhongbin YE, et al. Field test effect analysis of CO2 huff and puff for EOR of horizontal wells in tight glutenite reservoir of Mahu Oilfield[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2021, 11(6): 871-877.
Table 1
Comparison of CO2 huff and puff development of horizontal wells(Well-X721, Well-X92 and Well-M1114)"
井号 | 注入速度(t/d) | 注入压力(MPa) | 注入时间(d) | 注入量(t) | 焖井时间(d) | 增油量(t) | 换油率 | 措施后初期见油 |
X721 | 87.56 | 6~11.3 | 23 | 2 014 | 32 | 2 161 | 1.07 | 47 h后开始见油 |
X92 | 72~144 | 3.5~5.4 | 56 | 4 001 | 38 | 1 768 | 0.44 | 14 d后连续出油 |
M1114 | 72~120 | 8~10 | 44 | 4 347 | 79 | 1 452 | 0.33 | 18 h后连续见油 |
Table 3
Water quality analysis results of Well-M1114 before and after CO2 huff and puff"
取样日期 | pH值 | CO32- | HCO3- | Cl- | SO42- | Ca2+ | Mg2+ | Na+ |
20181003 | 7.00 | 160.44 | 3 099.72 | 2 834.23 | 384.24 | 147.49 | 24.31 | 3 098.90 |
20200426 | 7.97 | 0 | 523.75 | 3 095.93 | 7.38 | 222.35 | 8.05 | 1 939.00 |
20200514 | 7.40 | 0 | 6 303.84 | 6 711.23 | 47.12 | 323.85 | 43.98 | 6 297.63 |
20200604 | 7.36 | 0 | 2 970.82 | 6 401.59 | 37.02 | 211.05 | 6.02 | 5 036.90 |
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