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26 December 2021, Volume 11 Issue 6
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  • Specialist Forum
    Different reservoir types of CO2 flooding in Sinopec EOR technology development and application under “dual carbon” vision
    LI Yang,HUANG Wenhuan,JIN Yong,HE Yingfu,CHEN Zuhua,TANG Yong,WU Gongyi
    2021, 11(6):  793-804.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.01
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    CO2 flooding has the dual purpose of enhancing oil recovery(EOR) and carbon dioxide storage, and has a large development prospect. In particular, the need of carbon emission reduction gives a large space for the development of large-scale application of this technology. For Sinopec, the development history of CO2 flooding can be divided into three stages: single well stimulation, pilot test and comprehensive application. After more than 50 years of development, CO2 flooding mechanism and supporting technology have been relatively mature. According to the reservoir characteristics of Sinopec and three types of CO2 flooding, which are miscible drive, near miscible drive and immiscible drive, the screening standard of CO2 drive reservoir are established to clarify the mechanism of CO2 flooding in low permeability reservoir, tight reservoir, medium and high permeability reservoir. Taking three reservoirs of Subei Basin, Fu-3 member of Caoshe Oilfield, Fu-3 member in Hua-26 fault block, and Duo-1 member of Zhoucheng Oilfield, and Gao-89-1 block of Zhengli Zhuanggao Block in Bohai Bay Basin as examples, the actual development effect of typical blocks are summarized, showing that CO2 flooding is an important way to improve oil recovery efficiency. In order to solve the technical bottleneck of large-scale application of CO2 flooding in low permeability reservoirs and medium-high permeability reservoirs, the researches on oil displacement mechanism and gas injection effect should be further strengthened to promote the development of CCUS. It is of great significance to achieve “carbon peak” and “carbon neutral” and ensure national energy security.

    Practice and understanding about CO2 flooding in low permeability oil reservoirs by Sinopec
    JI Bingyu,HE Yingfu
    2021, 11(6):  805-811.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.002
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    In order to solve the problem that water flooding is difficult to effectively develop low-ultra-low permeability reservoirs, Sinopec has carried out more than 30 field tests of CO2 flooding, and achieves preliminary results and understanding. In this paper, firstly, the field test progress of CO2 flooding and typical reservoir effects of SINOPEC are systematically described. Then, the change characteristics of technical policies and key indicators are analyzed. Finally, the problems faced by the development of CO2 flooding in Sinopec are pointed out, and the development suggestions are put forward. The analysis reveals that the CO2 flooding is an effective method to supplement energy for the low and ultra-low permeability reservoir. In order to produce more oil, WAG (water alternating gas) flooding are performed after continuous gas flooding. The oil well take effects about 6 months after the program is implemented. The average oil production by single well is increased by more than one-time and the oil change rate is 0.15~0.40 t/t. But the economic benefit through CO2 flooding is limited by two problems. The first one is that the minimum miscible pressure for CO2 is usually higher than 25 MPa in the low and ultra-low permeability reservoir and it is difficult to achieve fully miscible condition. The second one is that the lack of low-cost gas sources limits the economic benefits of CO2. In order to improve the oil displacement efficiency and achieve high economic benefit, not only the national subsidy policy is required, but also the optimization for CCUS is needed. The CO2 flooding can also be performed with chemical agents, flue gas or nitrogen to improve oil displacement effect and enhance economic benefit.

    CCUS and its application in Shengli Oilfield
    ZHANG Zonglin,LYU Guangzhong,WANG Jie
    2021, 11(6):  812-822.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.003
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    Climate change centering on carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions and energy security centering on the shortage of oil resources are two major problems restricting the sustainable development of China's social economy. In order to solve the bottleneck of both the CO2 capture and the great improvement of recovery factor of low permeability reservoir, the related technology researches have been carried out in Shengli Oilfield, forming the supporting technologies such as CO2 capture, safe long-distance transmission, reservoir engineering optimization design, the injection-production process design, design of surface gathering and oil displacement and environmental monitoring, and building an industrial-scale demonstration project for flue gas CO2 capture, oil displacement and underground storage of coal-fired power plants. The industrial tests show that the cost of the new MSA technology is 35 % lower than that of the traditional MEA technology. Over 31×104 t of CO2 have successfully been injected into the reservoir, with the cumulative oil increment of 8.6×104 t, and 28×104 t of CO2 storaged in G89-1 block. The central well area has increased the recovery rate by 9.5 %, and the recovery rate is expected to reach 17.2 %.

    Methodological and Theory
    Mechanism of enhanced oil recovery by CO2 combination flooding in low permeability and high pour-point reservoir
    CHEN Shijie,PAN Yi,SUN Lei,SI Yong,LIANG Fei,GAO Li
    2021, 11(6):  823-830.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.004
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    In order to effectively solve the problems of difficult gas injection in S358 high pour-point reservoir and low oil displacement efficiency caused by gas channeling due to high mobility ratio of gas flooding after fracturing, laboratory experiments of gas injection phase and long core displacement mechanism have been carried out. Through the PVT phase state experiment of the high pour-point oil injected by CO2, dry gas, flue gas, and oxygen-reduced air(N2 90 %+O2 10 %)under the formation conditions, the characteristic mechanisms of the above four injection gas such as the solubilization expansion, viscosity reduction and tension reduction have been analyzed. CO2 is preferred as the injection gas. Through five groups of high temperature and high pressure long core flooding experiments with different combination methods, the effect of CO2 combination flooding on channeling prevention and extraction is evaluated. The experimental results show that the displacement effects of both CO2+weak gel and CO2+foam are the best two, and the final displacement efficiency is 70.101 % and 68.212 % respectively. The research results show that the injection of CO2 combined flooding slug increases the displacement resistance and reduces the fracture conductivity, which plays a key role in improving the microscopic sweep volume. Among them, both the CO2+weak gel and CO2+foam displacement methods have the best extraction effects. The research results can provide an experimental basis for the efficient development of high pour point oil in this block.

    Feasibility of enhanced oil recovery by CO2 huff-n-puff in tight conglomerate reservoir
    FAN Xibin,PU Wanfen,SHAN Jiangtao,DU Daijun,QIN Jianhua,GAO Yang
    2021, 11(6):  831-836.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.005
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    Based on the interactions between CO2 and crude oil, CO2 and conglomerate, the enhanced oil recovery(EOR) mechanism of CO2 huff-n-puff has been revealed in Huanmahu tight conglomerate reservoir. Meanwhile, a high temperature and high pressure nuclear magnetic system was applied to monitor the change of oil saturation during experimental processes at pore scale in cores of substrates. Core fracturing and displacement system were used to investigate the effects of fractures on EOR during CO2 huff-n-puff. The experimental results indicated that CO2 could effectively dissolve in crude oil to replenish formation energy, reduce oil viscosity and improve wettability. Moreover, the crude oil produced in depletion development was in large pores, while that in medium pores and small pores could be effectively activated by CO2 huff-n-puff. After depletion development, three cycles of huff-n-puff could enhance oil recovery by 23.1 %, among which the first cycle contributed most with factor of 15.1 %. The existence of fractures could increase the contact area between crude oil and CO2 and decrease the flow resistance of crude oil, and finally the EOR is up to 27.1 %. All the results reveal the feasibility of CO2 huff-n-puff to improve oil recovery in tight conglomerate reservoirs from pore scale.

    Effects of supercritical CO2 immersion on permeability of sandy conglomerate reservoir with different clay mineral content in Mahu
    WANG Yingwei,WU Shunwei,QIN Jianhua,YE Yiping,GAO Yang,ZHANG Jing
    2021, 11(6):  837-844.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.006
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    In order to clarify the influence of supercritical CO2 immersion on the physical properties of glutenite reservoirs with different clay mineral content in Mahu under the conditions of Xinjiang Mahu glutenite reservoir. Several researches have been done. Firstly, the type and proportion of clay minerals in the reservoir were determined according to the results of X-ray diffraction (XRD):kaolinite (1.52 %), montmorillonite (0.42 %), chlorite (0.73 %), illite (0.68 %). Secondly, the core which is close to the pore permeability of reservoir core is made manually. Finally, under the condition of reservoir temperature at 70 ℃ and pressure of 20 MPa, using supercritical CO2 high-temperature and high-pressure reaction device, and the experimental study on the influence of supercritical CO2 immersion on the permeability of sandy conglomerate reservoir with different clay mineral content was carried out. The results show that when the clay mineral content is 2.5 % ~ 6.0 %, the permeability of the reservoir increases after the injection CO2, the lower the clay mineral content, the shorter the action time and the more obvious the permeability increase. When the clay mineral content in the reservoir is greater than 7.5 %, with the increase of the action time, the permeability gradually decreases, and the higher the clay mineral content is, the greater the decrease is. When the clay mineral content is 6.0 % ~ 7.0 %, CO2 has the best effect on improving reservoir permeability.

    Experimental researches on factors influencing supercritical CO2 extraction effect of crude oil from tight sandy conglomerate
    HU Haisheng,GAO Yang,SHAN Jiangtao,LEI Xianmei,ZHANG Yulong,ZHANG Guangchao,YE Zhongbin
    2021, 11(6):  845-851.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.007
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    In order to improve the oil recovery of tight sandy conglomerate reservoir, the tight oil in the tight glutenite core is extracted by the supercritical CO2 based on the reservoir conditions of Mahu tight sandy conglomerate reservoir in Xinjiang. And then, four production parameters affecting tight oil extraction, which are the pressure(7~25 MPa), the temperature(30~60 ℃), the soaking time(30~180 min) and the cycle time(30~180 min), have been optimized and analyzed by the single factor analysis method. The results show that the supercritical CO2 can extract the crude oil from the tight glutenite with relatively good effects, and the extraction rate can reach up to 25.22 %. By the orthogonal design experiment L9(34) with four factors and three levels for the above four production parameters, it is found that the factors influencing the extraction effect of crude oil by supercritical CO2 have primary and secondary order: pressure > immersion time > temperature > circulating time. The optimal parameter scheme is the pressure of 25 MPa, tht temperature of 50 ℃, the soaking time of 120 min, and the cyclic time of 150 min. The application of CO2 to extract crude oil in tight glutenite reservoirs has good application prospects.

    Experimental study on mechanism of CO2 assisted steam flooding in heavy oil reservoir
    WANG Junheng,WANG Jian,ZHOU Zhiwei,WANG Danling,ZHAO Peng,WANG Guiqing,LU Yingbo
    2021, 11(6):  852-857.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.008
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    In order to further clarify the mechanism of steam flooding assisted by CO2 in the heavy oil reservoir, its visualization experiments are carried out by the acrylic plate model and natural cores, and their synergy is analyzed. After the mechanism of synergistic displacement is clarified, the core flow experiments are carried out to further analyze the influence of the synergistic effect and the injection mode on the actual displacement efficiency. The results show that CO2 assisted steam flooding has the effects of the synergistic viscosity reduction, the expansion of steam sweep efficiency, the availability of residual oil at the blind end, and the demulsification. Among them, the comprehensive viscosity reduction rate of the crude oil is 59.8 %, and the steam sweep area is increased by 37.44 %. Compared to the flooding by steam alone, after the assitant of CO2, the recovery rate increased significantly. The alternate injection of steam and CO2 can get a recovery rate of 65.7 %, 7.9 % more than that of mixed injection, and observe the stable foam oil flow at the outlet.

    Study on calculation method of CO2 storage potential in depleted gas reservoir
    TANG Liangrui,JIA Ying,YAN Jin,LI Guanghui,WANG Yong,HE Youwei,QING Jiazheng,TANG Yong
    2021, 11(6):  858-863.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.009
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    The geological sequestration of greenhouse gas, CO2, is an important means to cope with carbon peaking and carbon neutralization. However, the depleted gas reservoirs are the significant targets for the storage of CO2. Due to the different forms of CO2 in gas reservoirs, the effective CO2 storage calculation method of gas reservoirs is established based on the theoretical CO2 storage calculation method, which can be used to estimate the CO2 storage potential of the depleted gas reservoirs. Meanwhile, the model of low permeability gas reservoir is established for the CO2 storage in the later stage of the development. Considering the dissolution of CO2 in formation water and the mineralization reaction of CO2 between water and rock, the error of supercritical buried stock, dissolved buried stock and mineralized buried stock is 2.81 %, 7.37 % and 6.25 %, respectively, and the error of effective buried stock is only 3.06 % by comparing the calculated results with the numerical and analog results.

    Field Application
    CO2 flooding development models and economic benefit evaluation of different types of reservoirs in Subei basin
    WU Gongyi,ZHAO Ziping,WU Bo
    2021, 11(6):  864-870.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.010
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    CO2-EOR has been widely used in foreign countries, but rare in China because of technical and economic factors. Taking the CO2 flooding project of the small fault block reservoir in Subei basin as an example, the development modes of huff-n-puff, synchronous gas injection, gas cap flooding, gas-water alternation, CO2 combined flooding in medium and high permeability reservoirs are summarized, and economic benefits and influencing factors are analyzed. The practice in Subei basin shows that the economic benefits of CO2 flooding projects are closely related to the injection cost and utilization of CO2. The economic benefits of various development models are different but overall are good, which play a better performance in low permeability and low water cut oil reservoirs through gas cap flooding and gas-water alternate flooding.

    Field test effect analysis of CO2 huff and puff for EOR of horizontal wells in tight glutenite reservoir of Mahu Oilfield
    SHI Leiting,ZHANG Yulong,YE Zhongbin,ZHANG Jing,WANG Yingwei,WANG Ruiqi,WU Sitong
    2021, 11(6):  871-877.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.011
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    The porosity and permeability of Mahu sandy conglomerate tight reservoir in Xinjiang are extremely low. After fracturing and putting into production, the stable production effect of early development is good, and the decline is large in the later stage. In order to supply the formation energy and improve the crude oil recovery, the tests of CO2 huff and puff for three horizontal wells have been carried out in Ma131 well area. The test results show that the mechanism of CO2 huff and puff to improve crude oil recovery is mainly reflected in increasing reservoir energy, expanding crude oil volume, reducing crude oil viscosity, extracting light components, dissolving reservoir minerals and increasing fluid flow capacity. Reasonable injection parameters are more helpful to enhanced oil recovery. During the development of CO2 huff and puff, the higher bottomhole injection pressure and the longer soaking time, as well as greater sweep diffusion, result in earlier continuous oil production and more obvious enhanced oil recovery effect. The oil increment of three horizontal wells, Well-X721, Well-X92 and Well-M1114, is 2 161 t, 1 768 t and 1 452 t, respectively. CO2 huff and puff has good adaptability and popularization and application prospect in sandy conglomerate tight reservoir.

    Comprehensive Research
    Optimization of alternating injection with multiple rounds of gel and polymer in B238 Block
    SHEN Naimin,ZHANG Lianfeng,LI Junjie,LU Jun,LONG Weijiang,HU Shukui
    2021, 11(6):  878-883.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.012
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    In order to improve the current situation of serious water channeling and the poor development effect during the water flooding development of B238 Block in Xiaermen Oilfield, and further to enhance the oil recovery efficiency, the numerical simulation method has been carried out to systematically study the parameters optimization of the multi-stage slug injection system after polymer flooding and the differential adjustment of polymer injection concentration based on laboratory experiments. It is found that the combined small slug with multiple rounds is more effective than the large slug with less rounds. The main slug which increases EOR most is composed of 0.08 PV (polymer)+0.02 PV(gel)+0.06 PV(polymer)+0.02 PV(gel)+0.06 PV(polymer)+0.02 PV(gel)+0.06 PV(polymer)+0.02 PV(gel)+0.06 PV(polymer) and the EOR value is 7.92 %. When the polymer concentration adjustment range of injection wells is 20 %, that is, the concentration is adjusted to 420 mg/L, EOR reaches the inflection point. And with the continuous increase of polymer concentration adjustment range, the increase of oil recovery shows a downward trend. It shows that the gel system and polymer alternating injection method have the potential to further develop remaining oil, and provide some technical reference for the development of similar reservoirs.

    Performance enhancement of hydrophobically associative polymer by watersoluble β-cyclodextrin polymer
    LI Xi,ZHOU Xi,YE Zhongbin,SHU Zheng,CHEN Wenjuan,LU Yixin,QIU Cheng,HE Shurui
    2021, 11(6):  884-889.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.013
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    In order to improve the rheological properties of hydrophobically associating polymers(HAP) and the mobility control ability in porous media, a water-soluble cyclodextrin polymer, β-CDP. is synthesized by condensation of the cyclodextrin and epichlorohydrin, meanwhile, mixed with the HAP. The results showed that the host-guest interaction improves the thickening ability and viscoelasticity of the HAP solution. The host-guest inclusion system of β-CDP and HAP maintained shear thinning behavior. β-CDP/HAP demonstrated special viscosity-temperature curves and its activation energy changes with temperature, showing a strong ability of temperature resistance. The core flooding experiments showed that β-CDP/HAP formed multilayer adsorption in porous media and had stronger mobility control ability than HAP. By the host-guest interaction between the hydrophobesp and the cyclodextrin groups, the intermolecular interaction can be enhanced, and the comprehensive performance of HAP can be improved.

    Main control factors of horizontal wells in J2s2 tight sandstone gas reservoir of Xinchang Gas Field
    LIU Lu,WANG Yongfei,ZHAN Zedong,XIE Jinfeng
    2021, 11(6):  890-896.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.014
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    The gas reservoir in 2nd member of Shaximiao Formation of Xinchang Gas Field is tight, and its natural productivity is low. As one of the effective development methods, the horizontal wells has unclear main controlling factors of recovery factor. By the numerical simulation software, ECLIPSE, this problem has been analyzed and its influence has been quantitatively evaluated, so as to provide a favorable theoretical basis for the further development by horizontal wells. The results show that: 1)The main controlling factors of tight sandstone gas reservoir changes with the different reserves. For the class Ⅰ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ, it is mainly controlled by the water saturation, while for the class Ⅱ, effective thickness contributes most. 2)The influence of main controlling factors on the recovery factor of horizontal wells are different, with a degree of 91.14 %, 54.33 %, 61.82 % and 45.18 % respectively for class Ⅰ~Ⅳ and multiple factors instead of single factor. 3)The physical properties of reservoir have great influence on the recovery factor of horizontal wells. For the class Ⅰ and Ⅱ reservoir with good properties, the influence degree is less than 1 %, while that of the class Ⅲ and Ⅳ reservoir with poor properties is up to 17 %. Therefore, effective development of horizontal wells depend on the classification of reservoir by different reserves. For the areas with good properties, the optimization of engineering design should be strengthened, like increasing the length of horizontal section and fine fracturing; on the contrary, for that of poor properties, the deployment location of horizontal wells should be chosen in the areas with low water saturation, large effective reservoir thickness and high permeability.

    Numerical simulation of spatial-braided bow-shape well pattern development in shallow tight reservoir
    FENG Ning,PENG Xiaolong,XUE Xiaojun,WANG Chaowen,DENG Peng,WU Haoqiang
    2021, 11(6):  897-904.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.015
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    In shallow tight reservoirs, the hydraulic fracturing tends to produce horizontal fractures. For the horizontal wells, multi-stage fracturing is easy to generate only one large horizontal fracture, which leads to poor stimulation effect. However, the single well mode of “bow-shape horizontal well + multi-stage horizontal fractures” can not effectively explore this kind of reservoir. In order to further improve the production degree of shallow tight reservoir, the development mode of spatial-braided well pattern in shallow tight reservoir is proposed based on the feasibility of shallow reservoir drilling, and the numerical simulation is used to verify the effectiveness of spatial-braided well pattern. The numerical simulation results show that under the same number of wells and drilling footage, the oil production, cumulative oil production and reservoir recovery degree of spatial-braided well pattern are higher than those of the opposite well pattern and staggered well pattern. However, with the expansion of the fracture scale in horizontal fracturing, the gap with staggered well pattern decreases. At the same time, according to the simulation, the reverse 7-point pattern water injection not only replenishes the formation energy, but also changes the seepage state, so that the remaining oil in the regional edge and between wells can be effectively displaced, and the recovery rate is significantly improved. The researches provide efficient development method for the efficient development of shallow tight reservoir.

    Normalized pressure integral production analysis of triporate-uniphase parallel inter-porosity flow model
    FU Tianyu,LIU Qiguo,CEN Xuefang,LI Longxin,PENG Xian
    2021, 11(6):  905-910.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.016
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    Normalized Pressure Integral(NPI) Production Analysis is a kind of modern production decline analysis method which defines new parameters by integral. It can not only reflect the pseudo-steady state flow stage influenced by outer boundary, but also can reflect the unsteady state flow stage. In order to study the NPI production decline analysis method of carbonate reservoir, we established triporate-uniphase parallel inter-porosity flow model. In this model, fracture is the main flow channel and inter-porosity flow happens from cave to fracture and matrix to fracture. The bottom hole pseudopressure solution with considering the effect of skin factor of this model was obtained by Laplace transform and Duhamel principle. The NPI method curves were plotted by using normalized pressure integral method and Stehfest numerical inversion. And the curves can reflect the production performance of this model accurately. The storage ratio, inter-porosity flow coefficient, and dimensionless outer boundary radius were chosen to be sensibility parameter for sensibility analysis. The result shows that the storage ratio mainly influences the depth of depression on derivative curve and the inter-porosity flow coefficient mainly influences the time when inter-porosity flow stages happen. The skin factor just influences the dimensionless pseudopressure and dimensionless pseudopressure integral curves, while the dimensionless outer boundary radius will also influence the unsteady state flow stage of derivative of dimensionless pseudopressure integral curve.

    Research on a new combination method of production decline analysis for tight oil: Cases study of Mahu tight reservoir
    LIU Wenfeng,ZHANG Xuyang,SHENG Shuyao,WANG Kang,DUAN Yonggang,WEI Mingqiang
    2021, 11(6):  911-916.  doi:10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.06.017
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    In the tight reservoir like mahu with strong heterogeneity, large differences in the productivity of oil wells and obvious differences in the decline characteristics, the production decline analysis and prediction have important guiding significance to the management of oil well production system and the preparation and optimization of oil field development plan, and are also an important part of reservoir performance analysis. However, the traditional empirical decline models used today, such as the Arps production decline model, power law exponential decline model, Valkó extended exponential decline model, and Duong decline model, have different applicability. When using these methods to fit the production data of the fractured horizontal wells in the Mahu tight reservoir, the accuracy of the fitted results is low. Therefore, a new method of combination that uses different models for fitting in stages based on the model fitting results of Mahu oil wells in different stages is explored, and the examples are applied to verify it in this block. The research results show that this new method has lower error rate and higher degree of agreement than the traditional ones. In addition, by using this method, the prediction results of Estimated Ultimate Recovery(EUR) for the tight oil wells in Mahu reservoir are more accurate, and the method is highly feasible, which can be used as a reference for the research on the production decline law and the productivity prediction of other similar tight oil reservoirs.