Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2022, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (5): 794-802.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.05.011
• Methodological and Theory • Previous Articles Next Articles
GUO Deming1(),PAN Yi1(
),SUN Yang1,CHAO Zhongtang2,LI Xiaonan2,CHENG Shisheng2
PAN Yi;panyiswpu@126.
CLC Number:
Deming GUO,Yi PAN,Yang SUN, et al. EOR mechanism of viscosity reducer-CO2 combined flooding in heavy oil reservoir with low permeability[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2022, 12(5): 794-802.
Table 1
Experimental data of CO2 injection at formation temperature(91 ℃)"
注入气的 摩尔分数(%) | 膨胀 系数 | 泡点压力 (MPa) | 饱和原油黏度 (mPa·s) | 界面张力 (mN/m) |
0 | 1. 00 | 2. 01 | 88. 08 | |
10. 00 | 1. 01 | 3. 64 | 87. 72 | 4. 18 |
20. 00 | 1. 03 | 5. 56 | 83. 84 | 3. 46 |
30. 00 | 1. 05 | 7. 91 | 72. 13 | 2. 60 |
40. 00 | 1. 08 | 11. 05 | 71. 67 | 1. 58 |
50. 00 | 1. 12 | 16. 1 | 65. 66 | 0. 49 |
60. 00 | 1. 16 | 30. 8 | 62. 68 | 0. 01 |
Table 3
Core and permeability parameters of Z-13 displacement experimental core"
岩心 编号 | 直径 (cm) | 长度 (cm) | 孔隙度(%) | 渗透率 (10-3 μm2) | 孔隙体积(cm3) |
Z13-1 | 2. 53 | 7. 29 | 8. 25 | 0. 07 | 3. 07 |
Z13-2 | 2. 54 | 6. 89 | 6. 82 | 0. 08 | 2. 38 |
Z13-3 | 2. 53 | 2. 63 | 13. 91 | 3. 70 | 1. 03 |
Z13-4 | 2. 54 | 6. 27 | 5. 84 | 2. 01 | 1. 97 |
Z13-5 | 2. 53 | 7. 23 | 13. 20 | 2. 32 | 4. 80 |
Z13-6 | 2. 54 | 5. 29 | 12. 87 | 2. 66 | 4. 65 |
Z13-7 | 2. 54 | 6. 93 | 12. 74 | 3. 31 | 4. 68 |
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