Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2024, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 560-568.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2024.04.005
• Methodological Theory • Previous Articles Next Articles
WANG Jiawei1(),ZHANG Bohu1,2(
),HU Yao1,HE Zhengyi1,HU Xinxin1,CHEN Wei1,LUO Chao3
CLC Number:
Jiawei WANG,Bohu ZHANG,Yao HU, et al. Inversion of multiphase tectonic stress field and fracture evolution in shale gas reservoirs[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2024, 14(4): 560-568.
Table 2
Kaiser inversion of paleostress in different periods"
构造运动期次 | 各取样方向的Kaiser应力/MPa | 三向主应力/MPa | ||||||
垂直 | 0° | 45° | 90° | X方向 | Y方向 | Z方向 | ||
第Ⅰ期 | 45.52 | 57.49 | 44.46 | 42.70 | 56.10 | 74.69 | 60.94 | |
第Ⅱ期 | 49.72 | 61.86 | 45.94 | 48.10 | 58.88 | 81.58 | 64.86 | |
第Ⅲ期 | 57.22 | 73.29 | 49.34 | 53.00 | 61.31 | 95.58 | 72.73 | |
第Ⅳ期 | 70.72 | 84.05 | 54.21 | 56.00 | 64.19 | 106.46 | 86.02 |
Table 4
Error analysis between Kaiser value and simulated value"
主应力方向 | 第Ⅰ期 | 第Ⅱ期 | 第Ⅲ期 | 第Ⅳ期 | |||||||||||
Kaiser值/MPa | 模拟值/MPa | 符合率/ % | Kaiser值/MPa | 模拟值/MPa | 符合率/ % | Kaiser值/MPa | 模拟值/MPa | 符合率/ % | Kaiser值/MPa | 模拟值/MPa | 符合率/ % | ||||
X方向 | 56.10 | 54.21 | 96.60 | 58.88 | 57.25 | 97.20 | 63.31 | 62.33 | 98.50 | 64.19 | 61.91 | 95.37 | |||
Y方向 | 74.69 | 71.56 | 95.80 | 81.58 | 79.89 | 97.90 | 97.58 | 94.26 | 96.59 | 106.46 | 107.60 | 98.93 | |||
Z方向 | 60.94 | 61.80 | 98.60 | 64.86 | 64.21 | 99.36 | 72.73 | 75.02 | 96.95 | 104.51 | 109.20 | 95.50 |
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