Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2025, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (1): 131-141.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2025.01.017
• Engineering Techniques • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Tao1(), CHEN Hongli1, WANG Kun1(), GOU Haoran2, ZHANG Yifan1, TANG Tang1, ZHOU Hangyu1, ZUO Hengbo1
CLC Number:
ZHANG Tao,CHEN Hongli,WANG Kun, et al. Experimental study on proppant placement in rough fractures with shear slippage in shale reservoirs[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2025, 15(1): 131-141.
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