Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2021, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 81-85.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2021.01.011

• Shale Gas Development • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Optimization and application of fracture control and channeling prevention technology in Weiyuan shale gas horizontal well

Zeng Lingxiang()   

  1. Downhole Services Company, CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Chengdu, Sichuan 610051
  • Received:2020-04-14 Online:2021-02-04 Published:2021-02-26


Due to the large natural fractures and the single extension of hydraulic fractures, gas channeling occurs easily during fracturing of multi-platform, as a result the instantaneous gas production of adjacent wells is reduced by at most 93 %, and the wellhead pressure is increased by at most 12 MPa, which seriously affects the fracturing development effect of shale gas. For this complex situation, a fracture control and channeling prevention technology for horizontal wells of shale gas is proposed, which mainly includes fracture-length control of multiple fracture and steering fracture. By the measures of increasing the number of hydraulic fractures to reduce the net pressure, or using temporary plugging materials to steer hydraulic fractures, the extension direction of hydraulic fractures has been controlled and the fracture complexity has been increased to reduce the interacting of adjacent wells, and finally make the shale gas effectively develops in the well controlled gas drainage area. The numerical simulation shows that after applying this technology, the effective fracture length is shortened by 11.9 %~24.8 % The field application effect is obvious, the fracture length monitored by real-time micro seismic is reduced by 24 %, and the real-time monitoring pressure of adjacent wells does not change. The fracture control and channeling prevention technology in horizontal wells of shale gas does not only provides theoretical support for field application, but also reduces the probability of complex situations and improves the production of single well.

Key words: shale gas, horizontal well, fracture control, steering, interference, application

CLC Number: 

  • TE25637