Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development ›› 2022, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 487-495.doi: 10.13809/j.cnki.cn32-1825/te.2022.03.011
• Shale Gas Development • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Qing1(),HE Feng1,HE Youwei2
CLC Number:
Qing ZHANG,Feng HE,Youwei HE. Well interference evaluation and prediction of shale gas wells based on machine learning[J]. Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development, 2022, 12(3): 487-495.
Table 1
Multiple interpolation results of some wells in A reservoir"
井号 | 总含气量(m3/t) | 压裂段数 | 压裂簇数 | 改造体积(104 m3) | 水平段长(m) | 压裂段长(m) | 入地液量(m3) | 入地砂量(t) | ||||||
1 | 4.04 | 28 | 77 | 3 847.69 | 1 500 | 1 686 | 54 411.00 | 2 442.40 | ||||||
2 | 3.50 | 12 | 38 | 1 974.63 | 1 786 | 747 | 22 100.12 | 2 815.57 | ||||||
3 | 5.51 | 15 | 41 | 4 801.09 | 1 500 | 1 087 | 29 988.88 | 2 790.85 | ||||||
4 | 3.90 | 22 | 64 | 4 760.67 | 1 800 | 1 689 | 38 072.96 | 2 784.36 | ||||||
5 | 6.22 | 33 | 99 | 8 188.04 | 2 200 | 2 154 | 65 063.00 | 3 674.25 | ||||||
6 | 4.93 | 30 | 93 | 5 848.50 | 2 000 | 1 972 | 54 017.06 | 3 328.43 | ||||||
7 | 4.85 | 31 | 99 | 5 041.82 | 2 000 | 1 974 | 53 143.52 | 3 302.30 | ||||||
8 | 4.53 | 31 | 93 | 5 947.01 | 2 000 | 1 970 | 52 443.90 | 2 860.20 | ||||||
井号 | 渗透率 (10-6μm2) | 孔隙度 | 平均累产气量 (m3/d) | 最小水平主应力 (MPa) | 脆性矿物含量 (%) | 黏土矿物含量 (%) | 井间干扰影响程度 (%) | |||||||
1 | 0.28 | 6.09 | 73 553.62 | 71.10 | 64.75 | 19.82 | 84 | |||||||
2 | 0.30 | 6.11 | 36 020.87 | 68.94 | 69.52 | 15.85 | 85 | |||||||
3 | 0.28 | 5.60 | 31 608.30 | 71.50 | 55.42 | 10.47 | 100 | |||||||
4 | 0.29 | 5.70 | 128 536.00 | 68.10 | 59.80 | 20.60 | 79 | |||||||
5 | 0.29 | 5.83 | 262 288.20 | 70.36 | 74.52 | 22.25 | 91 | |||||||
6 | 0.29 | 6.03 | 350 960.10 | 67.70 | 68.01 | 20.55 | 47 | |||||||
7 | 0.48 | 6.20 | 221 543.30 | 69.65 | 71.14 | 18.40 | 89 | |||||||
8 | 0.29 | 6.08 | 30 792.40 | 69.45 | 72.63 | 19.70 | 54 |
Table 2
Corresponding coefficient matrix of impact factors and candidate factors"
参数 | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 |
平均累产气量 | 0.320 333 | 0.101 433 | -0.332 990 | -0.100 060 | 0.478 627 | -0.050 270 | 0.037 667 | 0.424 910 |
压裂段数 | 0.416 403 | -0.080 640 | 0.124 939 | 0.171 114 | -0.110 600 | -0.060 660 | 0.400 095 | -0.017 620 |
压裂级数 | 0.440 225 | -0.041 560 | 0.351 620 | 0.115 790 | -0.277 470 | -0.030 570 | 0.221 530 | 0.104 619 |
改造体积 | 0.178 355 | -0.244 070 | -0.127 860 | 0.073 144 | 0.357 113 | -0.112 400 | 0.068 482 | -0.548 110 |
水平段长 | 0.303 558 | 0.022 013 | -0.562 230 | -0.098 540 | -0.323 940 | 0.393 068 | -0.054 400 | 0.126 982 |
压裂段长 | 0.360 660 | 0.010 346 | -0.035 770 | 0.138 368 | 0.047 098 | -0.041 400 | 0.114 013 | -0.306 540 |
入地液量 | 0.346 230 | -0.327 860 | 0.342 088 | -0.108 870 | 0.159 753 | 0.127 573 | -0.223 240 | 0.236 313 |
入地砂量 | 0.105 936 | -0.166 550 | 0.264 322 | -0.236 370 | 0.329 727 | 0.285 875 | -0.435 300 | -0.174 210 |
渗透率 | 0.104 210 | 0.208 533 | -0.005 220 | -0.097 980 | 0.029 974 | 0.608 051 | 0.034 170 | -0.030 270 |
孔隙度 | 0.131 329 | 0.788 948 | 0.290 244 | -0.313 310 | 0.150 284 | -0.102 290 | 0.091 473 | -0.083 900 |
总含气量 | 0.145 061 | 0.322 258 | -0.174 330 | 0.677 641 | 0.194 926 | -0.020 280 | -0.347 040 | -0.104 310 |
最小水平主应力 | -0.064 370 | 0.070 389 | 0.306 970 | 0.459 899 | -0.086 270 | 0.114 290 | -0.257 370 | 0.330 922 |
脆性矿物 | 0.223 720 | 0.101 532 | -0.017 020 | -0.169 200 | -0.493 420 | -0.128 880 | -0.495 090 | -0.329 260 |
黏土矿物 | 0.204 261 | -0.032 390 | -0.141 630 | -0.195 640 | -0.019 610 | -0.561 910 | -0.296 870 | 0.273 371 |
Table 3
Influencing factor clustering center (standardization) of shale gas well interference"
等级 | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 | 井间干扰程度 |
等级低 | 0.585 049 | 0.218 316 | -0.175 240 | 0.034 695 | 0.071 724 | 0.052 852 | -0.004 221 | -0.034 615 | 0.474 394 |
等级中 | -0.644 967 | -0.055 477 | -0.055 778 | 0.016 812 | 0.055 988 | 0.035 766 | -0.016 125 | 0.004 557 | 0.769 811 |
等级高 | 0.235 432 | -0.097 344 | 0.178 446 | -0.041 099 | -0.106 195 | -0.072 763 | 0.019 169 | 0.019 674 | 0.905 660 |
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